Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Wanna join me for Slimmer This Summer Prayer Challenge? Another downtick...and ready for the milestone month...and a thanks for the kind words re my "swimsuit shoot" and thanks, too, for another "stylish" nod.... ; )

Tanita-san: 195.2

Yay. Halfway through this "decade" (well, nearly).

I am eating great. This helps as I  haven't gotten as much exercise as I'm used to this week due to family/holiday stuff, appointments/errands/running around in this heat making me NOT wanna sweat some more. Ah, excuses. Did walk Monday. Didn't walk or exercise yesterday. Will get hubby to come Playwalk with me if he gets home on time. Have Pilates tomorrow.

I will get my groove back. :)

And need to up the groove for the Slimmer This Summer Challenge which starts June 6 (ie, next Monday). If you've joined: Welcome. Let's be very kid and supportive to one another. Feel free to kick me in the butt in comments if I slack, but kick me with nice furry slippers on your commenting feet. K? I love being spurred on, and I don't mind well-meaning hollers, just BE WELL-MEANING. :)

I was having an email exchange with a lovely fatfighting blogger, and I explained that I liked having a variety of encouragers, encouragers from both sides. I like the ones that call me when I flake or slack and tell me to get my butt in gear and stop effing around. And I like the ones that "cyber" hug and say the words that let me know I'm not a worthless bit of cosmic flotsam. I like the ones in-between, too, who can balance the tough with the gooey. I think of myself as the middle one. I can holler at ya. I can lecture ya. AND...I can give you support and uplift. (Like a good bra!)

Because I'm a Christian gal, I also pray for people. Since Debbi and I jointly decided to host this challenge, I figure I'll mention I plan to pray for y'all to succeed. EVERY DAY.

If you are one of the challengers and a praying person, please do this, too. I literally am begging you. Please. Every day, when you have your prayer time, pray for the StS challengers to find the inner strength to meet goals, have epiphanies, grow in energy, eat well, move well...

Let's agree in prayer to hold each other up, k?

Note for those who didn't know: Debbi is the ubermistress for the challenge who's gonna do the linkies and whatnot, which follows my lifelong pattern of saying "no" whenever clubs/groups nominated me to be the chief/president/etc and choosing to serve as vice-president/secretary/assistant from High School on through college, cause being President seemed a PITA when I just wanted to find a nice shady spot and read a good story....

June is here. In a couple days, I celebrate the 29th anniversary of the first time I met hubby. A couple days after that, the anniversary of our first date. Then...well, you catch my drift. June 11: Our 28th wedding anniversary. Hubby's birthday in latter part of month.

I am gonna look really nice on our anniversary. Well, I hope. I have a pretty dress with 3/4 sleeves that looks great with my peep-toe pumps I bought recently. I'll have either deep red or hot pink toes (not sure which yet) and I'll be thanking God profusely (as usual) for the gift of my Toots. The man is a walking, breathing, smiling Wonder of the World, and it still makes me weep with joy to think he chose ME. :D

Okay, I'm done. Except to say thank you, thank you very much, for celebrating the swimsuit milestone with me. It's so nice to get the warm fuzz attack in comment after comment. You guys rule! I mean, I even got me Tetsuji Tamayama photoshopped yumminess. (Yes, those who read this blog already know he's like one of my major celebrity hotties....what a gorgeous man.)

(And if you did go and take a pic of you in your summer swimsuit, please send it to Swimming It Off blog. She's gonna do Swimsuit Sunday next Sunday. Help her have a swimsuit bonanza of zaftig gals in their suits/swimdresses/tankinis/bikinis/etc.)

And though I'd already received the award, I want to thank Sarah, again, for thinking of me for the Stylish Blogger award. It's always cheering when I come to other bloggers' minds for that sort of honor. People sometimes suck, but as my comments show, people can also be unbelievably WONDERFUL.

Please love yourself today with good food, good movement, good fluids, good rest, and as much good friendship and love as you can cram into your day....



  1. Thanks for the comment. Yes ONEderland it is. I have to make sure I keep this up this week so I STAY in ONEderland. We rock!!

  2. This is why I need this challenge...I still haven't set my goals!!!

  3. LOL you have the same anniversary day as me! I was married June 11 2008! Congrats on the 28 years and good luck with the challenge!!!

  4. I wish all of you the best on the challenge, Princess. It sounds like a good one and I know you will do wonderfully. Have a great weekend. Can't believe it is Thursday already. :)

  5. I will keep you in my prayers even though I'm not joining the challenge. I know you will succeed.

    I gave you The Adorable Blog Award. Should you decide to accept this award, you can find the information on my blog.

  6. "...balance the tough with the gooey."

    Ha ha, that cracked me up. But it's the perfect description.

    Lots of challenges starting up as the summer gets going. I'm sure you will do great!

  7. Ubermistress! LOVE that title! Ha - we christian gals know how to do this, I just posted referencing the bible. Prayer works! He is listening, but it takes more than just words, it takes effort on our part but I believe He will lighten the load and help us if we are serious.

  8. You are so dedicated to your life style change. I am having difficulty this week doing what I'm suppose to be. It's been an emotional week with so many thoughts and all. I don't even know what's going on with me. Another couple days maybe I'll get things figured out.
    You keep up the great work Mir, you are awesome. Blessings my friend.

  9. So glad to be joining this challenge with you. I have had a bad couple of months and this challenge is really going to help me on my journey I feel. You guys are so encouraging. I will also commit to praying. God's blessing on you.
    Oh, my middle son's birthday is June 11. He is going to be 18 this year.


Thank you for visiting and adding your comment. Because of horrible spammers, only "registered users" may comment. Sorry. I had to remove the crazy captcha, and this is the compromise. ~~~I always appreciate support from kind folks. If you have nothing constructive or supportive to add, please move along to another blog. Life is short and I do not need the aggravation. The journey is hard enough. Do not make mine harder! THANKS...and God bless you big time as you progress on your own path to better health and a happier life!