Tuesday, May 31, 2011

First Bathing Suit Pic Since Childhood...First Time Outside in a Bathing Suit in Decades...

I definitely need to order a tankini top online. Even the DD's were just not right. But, I found a swimdress on sale (way reduced), so though the "girls" are straining the fabric, it's still kinda cute and retro. I wanted to take pics to send to Swimming It Off blog (she had requested pics by Sunday, but I didn't buy one until today). It may be too late, but I sent the pics and the rest is in her pool-water moist hands. ; )

Here iz I: Size 16, navy with turquoise piping swimdress, and an old pair of floral backless sandals for the beach vibe. And hey, my fitness ball can be a "beach ball" substitute:

The Wind and The Ball!

Straining across the bust area...but comfy for an only C cup...

Laughing at something hubby said...

Oh, I gots a halo! Must have behaved...Ball is abandoned

Ball is back...and somewhere under that loose upper arm skin is a nicely shaped arm..sigh...

Profile...skirt part disguises the panni some...

Anyone else finally got a swimsuit after years of hiding?

Anyone brave enough to POST them? ; )

Happy Tuesday, folks!


  1. You so rock for doing this... AND those arms will get better with swimming I promise!!!! and its never too late! I was gonna post but lost internet for a few days. Living in FLA and not wearing a suit sounds miserable...welcome to the new you.

  2. I like your new swimsuit very much. You look very happy and ready for the beach. Have fun. :)

  3. How fun these look! Love the wind action in that first one, especially. :-)

  4. OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!! ABSOLUTLY GORGEOUS!!!!!

  5. I made you a present for making it to Onederland.
    You'll love it.

  6. You look amazing and I gotta ask where you found that bathing suit, I am finally starting to hunt around for a bathing suit after not owning one for over 10 years and I don't even know where to begin to look, I want something exactly like yours!

  7. SUSAN, YOU CRACKED ME UP! You made a buff goth-kilted Tetsuji!!! hahahahhaha. THANK YOU!

    Thanks for the nice compliments.

    Sarah: The suit is a cheap one from TJ MAXX. They carry suits up to 18 here (but VERY few 18, and some 16). I tried a bunch, but really, I need the skirt/dress or shorts. The regular suits are just not good with my upper thigh/lower butt empty skin issue. I just ordered a Coolibar swim shorts in black from Amazon, and then I'll get a tankini top in black or with a black and color pattern with underwire support. That should work well...

    If you want to see what's available, just google SWIMDRESS or SWIMDRESSES or browse Amazon or Her Room or any reputable swimwear provider. Swimdresses are not uncommon...lotsa ladies, even skinny ones, prefer a more modest suit. :)

  8. Princess! If I could whistle and if it could be heard over the net, I'd do it. You look awesome in these pictures. For a moment I thought you were posting photos from your youth or something, then realized they were current. WOW! I wish my legs looked that good. They have improved bunches since I started weight lifting but the inner sides of upper thighs have sacks of fat still and look huge and ugly. Won't stop me from going swimming, though. I just wear swimming trunks and problem solved :)

  9. HOT MAMA!!! Go ahead in your bathing suit!!!! Congratulations!!!!

    I had a similar experience recently bathing suit shopping.. if you're interested: http://skinny-jeans-dreams.blogspot.com/2011/05/bathing-suit-shopping.html

    keeep up the fabulous work!!!!!


  10. Looking good, Princess. You are rocking that suit. Love the colors too. I have skirtini that is navy and turquoise. I wear my newer one though for lying out in the sun to get more exposure. The skirtini I use for going into public. Good for you for sharing the photos too. :)

  11. Look at the hottie, WOW!!! You are beautiful. VERY!!!!
    I haven't gotten my swimsuit yet. Can't decide on what I want. Hubs wants revealing (at least some) but I am a scouting mom and don't need to much of that. Can't buy two, so we'll see. I'll share when I get brave enough to get one. Want to finish these last few pounds first, make it last a couple of years.
    Keep up the great work Mir, you are doing so wonderfully. Take care and have a blessed day!!

  12. You have changed so much since I started reading your blog. Way to go! So impressed.

    You look great in your swimsuit. :)

  13. So happy for you. These pictures are terrific. I have seen your comments on other WL blogs, but finally stopped by. Am glad I did. I will be back. You are doing fabulous!

  14. Nominated you for a reward on my blog!

  15. Fan-Freakin-tastic!!!
    I agree with Kelly the Happy Texan ... your physical transformation has brought out the real Princess inside as well.
    You're just brimming with energy and joy and it's such a wonderful energy you're radiating.

    I hear you're at a new low weight!

  16. btw ... I posted before pics for you ... in my bathing suit!
    I hope you're happy, Lady! :D

  17. Love the suit! You look fantastic and so damn happy!!! :>


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