Saturday, May 14, 2011

Still in Onederland: Some Pics from Today's Walk on Overcast Day...

If you watched the April 21 episode of BONES, when the quirky Finder dude (can't wait for that show to premiere) is consulting with the clergyman in that pillared stone gallery and courtyard, that's the Spanish Monastery (the oldest building in the US, given it's from the 1100s and brought , dismantled from Europe to the US by William R. Hearst, reassembled right here). It's a lovely spot for an afternoon of meditation, walking the small garden or sitting in the sunny courtyard surrounded by ancient stones. One of my fave places in the city. Nice little chapel for a service on a Wednesday morning.

Anyway, it was overcast, but we went for a walk. Decided to take a longer route, so we headed to the Monastery. Took some pics of me in a light shirt--shows my bulging back fat in my new wire-free bra that's 40DD. I'm  at my Onederland weight: 199.8

Here ya go:

Monastery, torches in garden, and Me at the going on inside...
Hearing the Wedding March played made me smile...
Walking to Monastery Gate...torches for wedding in progress...
Side View--wind in my hair...and droopy pannus in my pants!
Praise be to God for Feeling GOOD!
Hubby, who has leaned the bod eating less starch/sugar and more meat and fat. :)

My Toots with St Francis at the Monastery Gate (sooo cute!)


  1. Firsties!
    So it is good to know I am sure that your breasts are real and not fat.LOL and you did not lose them. And you are looking great. The colors look great on you. Bravo.
    I am also glad to see my friend Frank...I have a special bond with St.Francis...although I am not seems that my roots reminded me a few times via my friend Frank.

  2. BEAUTIFUL my friend, beautiful!!! You are doing awesome. I am so glad you and your hubby get out and do all of this together. I'm alone with my battle but still plugging along at it.
    Keep up the great work. take care and enjoy your weekend. Blessings my dear!!

  3. Look at that hourglass figure! You look fantastic, Princess :)

  4. You are looking awesome!!

    I noticed you also said your hubby is eating less starch/sugar and more protein/fat. That is awesome and something I am looking into which is directly associated with Metabolic Research Centers and the foundation of their plans.

    I must say, I laughed out loud when I read
    'Side View--wind in my hair...and droopy pannus in my pants!' You crack me up. I know once I am in one-derland I will have a severely droopy pannus and I will always remember those words when I put on my pants. haha :)

    But anyway, I am so happy for you that you are in one-derland!! Is it such an awesome feeling? I must admit I am a bit jealous. But not more jealous than I am very happy for you.

    You go Princess!

  5. You look great! Photos are awesome!

  6. You are looking great! A beautiful setting, too.

    Thanks for your comments to me about statins. Now I know I will not take them. Very helpful info.

  7. Ur in onederland!!!!!!!! Yay im so proud of you! absolutly beautiful!

  8. Love the photos, Princess. You are looking great in spring green. Congrats again on onederland. I knew you would get there and I know you are very happy about it. You should do something extra special for yourself for reaching such a milestone.

  9. You're looking awesome! Wow! The difference really shows. Congrats on getting to onederland. Hubby doesn't look bad either and his weight loss/toning shows. To think, you've inspired your hubby to get healthier! :)

  10. You are looking fabulous! What an inspiration!

  11. You look amazing! Yay for onederland!


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