Sunday, May 15, 2011

I Have Officially Lost 100 Pounds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yay, made it. I wanted to badly so make it by today, and I did.


100.2 pounds off from highest weight I saw on my HOME scale: 299

Yesterday was a planned feast meal day (the Primal/Paleo people talk about mixing up IF with feasts, the way hunter-gatherers would have experienced). Since I've been doing some IF, I figured I might as well throw in a feast day.

I ate nearly 1800 calories yesterday. I normally eat in the range of 1200, but I decided to do the feast meal and ate a big dinner. I wondered if it would derail my progress. Instead, I lost.

That's 2.6 pounds off this week.  

If I told you what I had for dinner, you'd be amazed. It really was a feast. You would say, 'No way you could lose after eating that?" I did. I'm a bit amazed myself. Hint: We went to a barbecue place. There was more than one type of animal involved. There was scads of butter and animal fat. Some blue cheese. Some cheddar cheese.

Anyway, today, back to my 1200 calories. You can't follow a feast with a feast. That's not how it works. The feasts are rare, and the IF is part of it. I'm in IF mode right now, and ready to have my meal as soon as I blog this.

Milestones need to be marked, right?

So, today, May 15, 2011, I finally lost 100 pounds.

Fourteen (14, count em, 14) more pounds to no longer be obese at all.

I can do it.:)

Interestingly, was just chatting with hubby about the groceries for the week. We need to increase his food. He's lost about 5 lbs a week the last few weeks he's been eating no bread/no pasta/minimal sugar/minimal rice and tubers. He's dropping weight like mad. And he's at risk of becoming TOO SKINNY within one week. So, we're gonna up his protein and fat (I'm encouraging him to eat more nuts), and he needs to expand his veggie/fruit vocabulary. He plans to add more dairy, too. He's been having sugar-free ice cream for his treat at night. He's already eating 4 meals, so he may need to up the snacking. How nice to say, "Gee, I gotta eat way more or I'll look bony." hahahah

Anyway, I'm way happy to pass two milestones in the last couple days.

Next milestone: Get to 185 and NOT be obese.

Happy Sunday, folks!


  1. WOW! Congrats all over the place!

  2. YAY!!! Congratulations on reaching 100 pounds lost!! Wow, only 14 more pounds not to be considered obese. Isn't it sad, though, that you look great at 199lbs but are still considered 'obese'?

  3. Congratulation, Princess. Two great milestones in just a couple of days. I'm so happy for you. I hope you continue to see this level of progress. Hugs. :)

  4. What a summer you will have! This is better than New Years and warmer, too, huh?

  5. Awesome job on 100 pounds lost!!

  6. you are a weight loss monster, congrats on 100 lbs. the sky is the limit now.

  7. That is awesome, just plain AWESOME!!!! I am so proud of you Princess. That is wonderful. You are rocking. 14 lbs is nothing, you can do this. I haven't check lately on what part of the range I am in. I should though, hopefully just the fat part.
    Take care and good luck this week. Have a blessed evening.

  8. That's a great accomplishment! :)

  9. I'm doing the happy dance with you! You so rock, I'm so glad for you! Woohoo!!

  10. Way to go on the 100 lb mark!

  11. Woohoo on the 100 lbs gone!! That's just wonderful :)

  12. Woooooooo hooooooo........ yikeeeeeeee.......... Aaaaaaaamazing...... Superstar lady!!!!!!!!

    So so so excited for you!!!!! (cant ya tell!!!) lol

  13. WOOO HOOO! That is an amazing accomplishment! Congrats!

  14. Wow! Congrats! You have come a long way girl! You look so proud, too!

  15. Congratulations!!

  16. Well done! I knew the announcement would be imminent when you got under 200.

  17. Congrats!!!!! I am so happy for you! :)

  18. Here I was out birding and missed THE BIG FANTASTIC NEWS!!!
    Oh, Princess ... CONGRATULATIONS! :D :D :D

  19. I don't believe I made it over to congratulate you on getting into ONEderland but now I can congratulate you for losing 100 FREAKIN' POUNDS!! Crazy, right? I am so impressed; you're really doing it!! Keep up the phenomenal work!

  20. I just came across your blog today and while I read this post I smiled! Congratulations on reaching such a big milestone in your journey!!! I can also relate to calculating pounds lost to no longer be considered obese. This year I went from 184lbs to 161lbs moving me out of the obese category!!!! I'm still continuing my journey to a health bmi, and I look forward to watching your continued journey. Grace and peace.


  21. What a HUGE accomplishment Princess. So happy to read this. It adds a spring to my step on this rainy Tuesday. I'm happy you enjoyed your feast meal also.

    I need to get to 164 to get out of obeseland. We can do this together!

  22. Congrats on the 100 lbs and onederland. I can only still dream. You have done amazing and you look great.

  23. I am behind on my blog reading but CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I am thrilled for you and all your hard work!


  24. I've been so busy this past week that I haven't been able to keep up with reading blogs. Congratulations on losing 100.2 lbs!!! That is fantastic, also welcome to Onederland! I have about 6 lbs to go to reach 100 lbs, but I know that I'll get there before too long. You are an inspiration!


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