Sunday, March 27, 2011

Day 49 of Phase 5: Official Challenge Weigh-in, Talking to My Body, Phase 6 a-coming, and Off to Family Party where Temptation WILL be Resisted...

Tanita-san: 214.8

That's 1.2 lbs lost this week. Rounded up to 215 for the Challenge WI. Yes! I can report a loss to A. Hooray!

I actually TALKED to my body before dropping off to sleep at 3:30 AM. I begged it to be 215.2 or less so I could round it to a loss. It felt like listening, I guess.

I figured it would be a loss when I woke up. I always "feel myself up" in the torso, from ribs to thighs, to see if I feel "less than". I can tell when I'm bloated just by how much more my belly will feel "rounder". I can feel when it's flatter. (I have been feeling more bones lately. I even mentioned it in Pilates. In certain positions, on certain equipment, I can tell I have a lot less padding in my butt and ribcage area. It can be painfully apparent.)

Yesterday was one of those funny "perfectly rounded" calorie counts for the day on my SparkPeople nutrition tracker. (And I was spot on with my R.D. + Challenge coordinated/designed eating plan). Usually, as you know if you track online, the final total calorie numbers don't come out with nice fat circles at the end.  Well, unless you round counts in a notebook, say. And some folks do, and that's fine. Easier, for sure.  For the challenge's goal of 1200 cals, let's say, my final tally is not gonna be "1200 calories" perfectly on a daily basis. It'll be 1146 or 1235 or 1173 or 1288, etc.  Yesterday, it was 1200, exactly. That's always cute.

I wish I could have slept a couple more hours. Eyes are a tad bleary. But off to make some yummy Ethiopian Yirgacheffe , make my healthful breakfast, and start chugging my water--need to be properly fueled and hydrated to face birthday party temptations with panache, ya know?

Just 15 lbs to be in Onederland, and 15.8 precisely to have lost 100 pounds. Double celebration. I will get there.

BTW, did you notice the announcement that there will be a Phase 6 and it will have a charity connection. Cool!

Okay, have a blessed Sunday. For my fellow believers, remember to thank God for the life and love you have and for all the great things in your day. If it's a hard dieting for you, ask Him for strength. The strength is there, in you, believe it!

For those walking a different faith (or nonfaith) path: I still pray a blessing over everyone reading this and struggling with food issues, emotional issues, depression, griefs, sorrows of all kinds. I pray you overcome (and that I do, too) and gain health and joy.



  1. Woohoo! *high five* on the loss this week!

    16 pounds to Onederland. OMG, you're so freakin' close! You'll be there so soon. Gonna have to have a virtual internet party for that one. :)

  2. Great loss, Princess. You are doing so well. YOu will reach that next milestone sooner than you think. Hang in there and God bless. I will be sending up a few prayers today for all the challengers and for those trying to maintain too.

  3. you are so close!your giving me hope! have fun at the party!

  4. Congratulations on your weight loss, PD. Baby steps, baby steps. Ultimately, we get there. You're preparing well for the party to prevent going over your calorie count. Good! You can still enjoy yourself, for sure.

    I'm excited at how close you are to the ones, and closer still to 100 pounds gone. That's an incredible achievement. I'm always awed by people who lose that much. It's amazing, and so much work. I can't wait until you get there.

  5. Woohoo! Congrats on your loss this week :)

  6. Congrats, and God bless you.

  7. Wow! Congratulations on the loss. How exciting to be so near that number. God's blessings right back at ya.


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