Saturday, March 26, 2011

Day 48 of Phase 5: A small loss, and holding off Challenge Weigh-in to tomorrow in hopes of showing some rounded loss! Heh. Plus planning for famiy party...AND MY 3-MEASUREMENTS ARE IMPROVING!

Tanita-san: 215.6

Nice to get past the block. 216 was my weigh-in for the challenge last Saturday. I've been in the 217+ since Hastume's sodium blast. I had hoped for 214 by today, but well, reality can suck. I've been good Mon through today...very good. :)  But it's moving down again and I'm happy.

I have to be up earlier than normal tomorrow to be ready for the party. My sister is a choco-freak, so I got a compromise gift--chocolate dipped strawberries (along with some other small nice things). I figure she can get her choco fix with healthful fruit attached. Heh. Ordered from Edible Arrangements, so I hope they're tasty. Strawberries have been sweet of late, so hope so.

I am still pondering what to take. I'm thinking something salady and something fruity. Will call sisters to make sure I'm not redundant, then shop in the evening. I'll buy low fat turkey gravy, too, cause I usually do bring my own in case the homemade one is too greasy or just not made at all. Happens. I like turkey with some sauce. Or I'll take some Mrs. Dash to perk it up. Plain turkey breast doesn't do it for me. Needs something--gravy or herbs...something....

Hubby has to work on his book today, so no fun outings. Unless we get revved up for it in the evening. I have some contest entries to judge, so I can busy myself with that while he works. Then do my exercise and maybe a protein/condish treatment so hair is purdy tomorrow. :)

I'm excited about getting to wear new stuff that FITS tomorrow. Yeah!

And I'm excited about improvements in my measurements. Saw on another fatfighting blog today that the blogger posted the Big 3 Measures (bust, waist, hips).  When I was young (teens, twenties), before obesity, I was a perfect hourglass. Not a slim perfect, but perfect meaning bust and hips were equal and waist was 10 inches less.  Like when in old films they'd say she was "36-26-36". I used to be, say, 40-30-40 or 42-32-42. Then I got obese, got insulin resistance, and became much more appley, with the waist measure losing it's "10" separation.

Today, I was 48-39-48.5. My waist had been out of synch--8 or8.5 inches less than hips. Now it's 9.5. Close. Yes, I'm getting closer to being my "old" proportions again. I'm hoping by the time the Phase 5 is over, I will be back to the B-minus 10 waist-H again. Maybe 46-36-46. I can dream. :)

I'm turning hourglassy again. Hurray!

(Note: I use a Myotape measure, and have for over a couple years, and don't know how accurate it is, but I do use it consistently, so whatever drop in size is at least consistent.)

What's your measurement now? How does the proportion compare to when you weren't obese? Where do you want it to be come June?

I wish you guys all a healthy, happy weekend that makes you feel vibrantly alive and happy to have been created for today!


  1. Yay for breakin through plateaus! Happy weekend!

  2. So cool.I need to measure next week. I do it monthly so I'll share then. I do have to say I went shopping today, first time for new clothes instead of just new to me. Anyways, I was able to fit into the 14's I so hoped for. Progress.
    I would love to try one of those edible arrangments. They look so good.
    Keep up the great work. God Bless!!

  3. What a wonderful wish you gave to us. Thank you, and I wish the same for you.

    Same here with turkey. It always needs some help, especially the white meat. Gravy sounds good.

    OMG, chocolate-covered strawberries are to die for. They're so expensive, but worth it. She'll be pleased, I'm sure.

    I'll have to look up what a myotape measure is. Never heard of it. My waist is huge compared to my chest and hips. Always was. I'm shaped like a refrigerator--one big rectangle, lol.

    Have a great time at the party!


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