Monday, November 1, 2010

Today I sent off my swabs for that genetic test for weight loss compatibility...and some links to others who've done the test!

Yep. Handed it to my mail carrier. Two swabs. Hope I got enough cells on those babies. :)

Now to wait the couple weeks or so for results.

I did find people online who did the test. This article by one is very nicely done, and the test confirmed what she suspected through her own dieting/exercise/weight historical experience: She needs to reduce carbs and do high-intensity exercise, not plain old walking.

Here's another with that profile: Erin Slick. 

Another carb reducer/high met: HERE.

I admit it, I'm really curious to see what they say about my DNA and what weight loss plan suits it.

I will add that, apparently, not all scientists are behind this:

From the article about the gal who did the test (link above), I quote:

Dr Loos, an obesity genetic researcher, explains: 'Because environment - or lifestyle - plays such a huge role in obesity, these tests are likely to be of limited value. They also typically give very general advice, as they don't want to run the risk of being too specific.'
Talking specifically about the Inherent health test, she says: 'There are indications that the gene variants tested in this kit are associated with obesity, but as credibly as some of the 12 we have identi f ied, which have been confirmed in studies of 100,000 people. We have years of research ahead of us to really identify the biological pathway that underlies the link between the gene variant and obesity risk.'

From another online article:
...some scientists argue that no test can determine the success of a weight loss strategy. To be certain, there are many factors that influence weight loss including diet, physical activity, lifestyle, stress, mindset and environment.
 And extensive research over the years has shown that a diet that excludes refined carbs is most likely to produce significant weight loss results, regardless of genetic composition. Protein and healthy fats are also important as they are more difficult to break down and increase resting metabolic rate...
The idea of genetic testing to determine who may benefit most from different foods in an effort to encourage weight loss is an interesting concept that requires more research before it can used to reliably predict success. Everybody is coded with a different genetic build, and some people may be able to better metabolize carbs, fats and protein based on evolved heritage. The fact remains that the vast majority of people will achieve optimal health and successful weight loss by following a whole diet that includes plenty of foods eaten in their natural state.

The "carb reducer" lady I quoted earlier in this post concludes:

So it looks like I've paid [euro]120 for a shot in the dark.
Still, one thing's for certain. Getting a glimpse into my DNA has toughened my resolve to say 'no' to carb-laden cakes, bread or biscuits - and step up from a gentle stroll to a sprint on the treadmill.

This is what I figure. Even if I don't see a huge difference following the "genetic" suggestions, knowing if, genetically, I may be hampered by a high carb or high fat diet will make me think twice about the items that don't serve my ....DNA profile. I'll take my motivation where I can get it. And it will be cool to learn something about my inner workings. I think that's cool.

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