Monday, November 15, 2010

Day 7 Son of DDDY Challenge: We're moving on DOWN the road...and I must have estimated those date night calories right! The fear of upcoming food cues in certain location with "history"...and itchy eyes suck...oh, and food / water log...including fab dinner out in MiMo with Another Pic of me happy there!

Tanita-San says: 246.2

There we go. Two days showing lower numbers. Muchly pleased.

One-fifth of a pound to no-longer-morbidly-obese territory. Muchly pleased.

Eyes itch like the mother. Not pleased. Allergies still plaguing. We've had some beautiful days and the only thing that keeps me from being OUT THERE enjoying them more is the super-itchiness that results. Oh, well. I should be used to this. A lifetime (and I do mean a whole fricken LIFEtime) of having to carry boxes of tissues and itching and wheezing. Should be used to it. Never fully am. Thank God for the meds that make me function, otherwise I'd be an allergy-respiratory cripple wheezing in bed (and that's no exaggeration, spent 4 years that way in the early 90's). I put in my Patanol drops just now so I could stop rubbing eyes enough to type. Now, I have dark circles from rubbing. Sheesh.

Today I'll be at a hospital down south with family (surgery for nephew). I am fearing the food cues. My mom spent a lot of time in that hospital by the bay. Weekly visits to a hematologist for years. Weekly blood transfusions for years. Me stuffing my face and gaining 35 pounds in 8 months from stress. I was familiar with that cafeteria and snack bar, I can tell you.

Now that I am more familiar with how my brain works/cues/stimuli, I really am afraid what's gonna happen when I walk in and smell the smells and see the landmarks, etc. So, this is mental preparation time. Need to take my snacks. Need to drink water (after I'm out of traffic). Need to chill. Need to believe in myself.

Okay, onto the comida y agua portion of this post:

WS hot cakes with Nature's Hollow sugar-free syrup & cinnamon
2 oz natural applesauce
1/2 cup egg beaters with 1/2 cup mushrooms
2 tsp Smart Balance and 1 slice 2% Cheddar
2 cups coffee
8 glasses water (4 before, 2 during, 2 after)
Calcium, D, Multivitamin, Quercetin, Bromelain, Fiber supplements

SNACK: 2 glasses of water before heading out

Calories so far: 440
Fluids so far: 96 oz

cup of decaf (12 oz) w Sweet n Low (hospital cafeteria had no Splenda, dangit)
(had to run to bathroom as soon as I entered hospital, went twice more in the next couple hours without drinking extra water).

I took several low-carb snacks and 2 bottles of water, but didn't have them. Had that decaf.

Calories so far: 440
Fluids so far: 108 oz

DINNER: On the way home, had to stop cause I was pissing my pants. Had dinner at a restaurant in the historic MiMo section of Miami that we saw reviewed on tv a few months back. Great dinner outside in the charming patio area. The menu online is not the menu we got, so maybe that's lunch and what we got was the dinner one. There was a boutique upstairs and a mini-art space adjacent. Nice. Some Japanese guy was there checking an installation. I went two times more to the bathroom in the restaurant (Uva 69).

Princess Dieter at Uva69
I had to deconstruct dinner to enter it into Sparkpeople, and I knew I would, so as I was eating, I was looking and examining for how to deconstruct (ie, how much parmesan, how much EVOO, how much wine in the vegetables, which veggies, how many in the mixed veggies, how much filet mignon, etc. I used the same system I used last night: lots of water before starter (4 glasses), order decaf and drink loads (3 cups), had unsweetened iced tea, too. I first ordered a caprese sald, but then switched to a chicken veggie soup starter, as that had fewer caloribes and the liquid would help fill me. Kept carbs minimal, nixed the risotto again--what's with risotto everywhere lately, stop tempting me!--loaded up with extra veggie sides and gave hubby half my steak. No dessert, though a tray went by and I nearly plotzed. No wine, though I really ached for a Pinot Grigio hit with my soup. More water after done eating (1 glass). He was able to have leftovers, since he had my steak half, so his lunch tomorrow is ready for brown-bagging. Lovely eatery. If you come to Miami, definitely hit Uva 69 on a fresh evening for outdoor patio dining.

I'm getting into the habit of asking for lots of water, no ice, so I can gauge quantities better an drink it FAST without "brain freeze". :D

I calculated my dinner calories on SparkPeople at 1038. That's a lot for one meal, but it didn't send me over.

On the way home, we stopped at Target, and I peed TWICE in the hour we were there. Geesh. See what I said about having to figure out where the toilets are around town, the nicer ones? Target is NOT a nicer one. ; )

calories so far: 1478
fluids so far:  172 oz (not counting soup, exceed accelerated amount)

Snack: (clearly should have had more water, cause I got hungry at Midnight)
2 cups watermelon, 1 small pear, and 1 WS vanilla protein shake (made with 8 oz waer)
4 glasses of water
1 cup decaf with sucralose

calories for snack: 281
fluids with snack: 48 oz

Total Calories:  1759
Total Fluids:   220 oz


  1. Godspeed to you. I've been there, having set up camp in many a hospital with the Little Man and having eaten my way through many a tough night.

    The mental preparation you've done is powerful, get ready for the feelings and when they come, well there they are, exactly what you expected. No doubt it will be an emotional minefield.

    I'm behind you all the way. You can do it.

  2. Make a plan and stick to it. You can do this. What do you want more - crappy hospital food or to be thin? I know what I would pick.

    And here's hoping the scale certifies your BMI change soonish.


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