Monday, November 15, 2010

Considering WLS? Read this...

Here ya go.


  1. After my short-lived success and then re-gain, along with numerous after surgery complications, I wouldn't recommend the band to anyone. If I could take it out myself, I would! It works for some and some people have no issues at all, but it was awful for me.

  2. I had about a year when I was researching WLS--gastric bypass, lap band. I was feeling so hopeless. The more I researched it, the less appealing it became. I realized that with the complications, regain issues, and inevitable need to still restrain eating and exercising anyway, might as well work to do it the old boring hard way, cause everyone would have to do it the old, boring, hard way ANYWAY in the end, looked like. There was a great head start (ie, big loss at first), and everyone loves a big head start, right? But I didn't wanna rejigger my innards and I started to fear the erosion/GERD that the band seems to cause. Not to mention that puking (aka productive burping) sounded like something that I did not want at all. I hate puking without a band already.

    OH, well. Reality sometimes sucks.

  3. Yikes. That's pretty scary. I am really glad that my mother didn't do it even though she has been pressurized by her doctor to have it. She now weighs about 400 pounds and has about 10 different obesity related health problems that require medication. And she's had GI cancer and they want to do an op on a 70-something year old woman. Madness.

    She told me that she said no because she has seen too many people for whom it has failed. This food hting is a tough one to beat.

    And yeah, reality sucks sometimes. I concur.


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