Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Remember Michelle Aguilar, Winner of TBL Season 6? Get her book BECOMING FEARLESS free until Midnight TONIGHT!

Here ya go: Becoming Fearless: My Ongoing Journey of Learning to Trust God 

I'm a person with a lot of phobias. I'm neurotic. I have compulsive issues. Depression and anxiety issues. A lot I have to work around and work on. So, when I saw the title and that it's FREE and from a gal who was obese as I was and had problems to overcome, I figured it was worth a shot.

I haven't read it. Don't know how helpful it might be. But if you think this book might be up your alley, you have fewer than 12 hours to get hold of it free for Kindle, Nook, and other ebook formats.

 Google Books has a nice preview. Check it out.



  1. Bummer it's not free for me and I'm not going to pay $20 for it! Shame because I was going to ask for some book recommendations as I'm trying to read more rather than just watch too much stupid telly.

    I never knew you had phobias, that surprises me for some reason. I'm sorry to hear that, I know it can be tough. After I moved 3,000 miles from home I developed

    1. Sorry my phone froze up... I developed a fear of flying after a plane I was supposed to be on crashed!! I can get by though as long as I have a few tranquillisers which the docs do give me.

      Anyway I hope you find the book inspiring. Xoxo

  2. I have fear of flying and fear of sharks so severe I won't swim in the ocean--and I live in fricken MIAMI!!! I used to have a cripping fear of the dark, but little by little, I got over it (mostly) and can sleep without lights. Dear hubby had to put up with sleeping with lights on when we first married...sweet guy. I have hoarding and compulsive eating issues. I worked on latter well, now gotta work on former to get control of my crazily cluttered home.

    See, I'm a mess. :D BUt one hopeful of making more progress every year. 2013..God gave me the workd "Release"..and i need to do just that.

  3. Thanks for the heads up, I got for free on my Nook.

  4. :D The book is now safely in my Kindle! Thanks so much, Mir. It sounds like it is exactly what I am ready to read!


  5. Hey, Mir. I linked to your blog on my Weighty Matters blog. I hope you don't mind.


  6. very cool of you to let us know about her book! I just downloaded mine. Thank you thank you! About the phobias...UGH. I have my share too. Fear of heights. Fear of flying. Fear of spiders. Other things I can't even talk about on here. It's paralyzing and ridiculous at the same time. I hate hate hate having phobias. Anyway, looking forward to reading Michelle's book so much. And I am SO glad you are blogging regularly again. You are very inspiring and I appreciate your balanced, thorough and wise words/research into everything. It matters. :D

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Thank you so much for sharing this! I think this book is something I really need right now. I was able to still get it free from amazon and send it to my Iphone. :)



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