Thursday, November 29, 2012

Update from the Sickroom

I've been putridly sick for nearly two weeks. I hadn't been this ill since the swine flu of 2009. Bad bronchitis.

Anyway, despite barely moving and little sleeping --mostly coughing and spitting up--I did weigh myself this am and I'm 174.8 . Almost 4 pounds down.

I've been having a lot of soup and fluids as expected. Unlike some folks who rely on chicken soup, I tend to feel better in terms of decongesting with onion soup and Thai spicy chicken soup (tom yum gai). Hubby goes to a local French diner, asks for the onion soup separated for take out (ie, broth in one, cheese in other, skip the french bread), and I heat it up at home with 1/5th the cheese they use. They use a seriously lot of cheese. He got me 6 and I have one a day. On days I don't have that, I have the Thai one. And lots of tea and coffee and coconut water. I snack mostly on fruit with some nut butters.

So, while I have had some not so great diet stuff--since I haven't been able to cook and hubby has brought in food--including carnitas tacos with sour cream and cheese , chicken picatta with that lemon butter sauce, and some chocolate marzipan I bought for my sisters for Thanksgiving, but was too sick to attend, hence, it's here, calling my name. Yeah, bad me. Well, I still lost. I think the constant coughing must burn loads of calories. ; )

I hope y'all are doing way better than I. Time for hot liquids. Later...


  1. feel better. Sickies in blogland lately... contagious?

  2. It is good that you are pampering yourself through this. Itch your ear I just learned is a trick to do something to a scratchy throat.

  3. I'm sorry to hear you are ill, Princess. I hope you will be feeling better soon. All that stuff has been going around here too but I've been lucky so far. Hang in there, babe.

  4. I hope you feel better soon. Sounds like you are doing all the right things to recover quickly. Rest and good food.

  5. Sheesh! Bronchitis is a lousy way to lose weight...


  6. I'm sorry to hear you are sick! Feel better soon.

  7. I hope that a few days since you wrote this, that you are doing better and coughing efficiently. I hate bronchitis!

  8. I hope today. a few days after you wrote this,that today you are feeling better and coughing efficiently.


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