Sunday, September 16, 2012

Still Maintaining...kinda blah, otherwise.

Ah, got nothing to blog about. Just not feeling it. But I wanted to update my weight tracker, and I'm still maintaining:


Last time I updated my weight tracker--sidebar left--it was 173.8.

So, pretty much the same, huh? :)

I hope you are all doing well. Keep on fighting on. It's tough, yes, and I'm having some good days and some bad days, and it's a little mood dip time for me (I get those). I'm turning to mush from not exercising (still haven't worked up that mojo), so the struggle continues.

It's a lifelong thing, after all--and we do know this, right?--so it's not like we can ever just forget about the needful things on this journey. They never stop being needful--the vigilance, the discipline, the time-making for the necessary shopping, food prep, movement. I'm shopping better, but I'm still not moving enough. This will turn around, too, because it's vital. I recall too well how great it felt to have those muscles and the fitness level higher. It felt GREAT.

I want to feel great again. For now, a little down, a little bleh. It will pass.

Be well, all...


  1. Hugs!! Maintnence is not as exciting in some ways as loss. Maybe satisfying or accomlpished are better words.

    Here's to getting back into the fitness. Welcome to maintenance. Karen P

  2. Yay for maintenance, yay for an update! Yay for you. Sorry that the exercise mojo has waned but as you say, it will return. I've been on a walk the last 2 days in a row - I never ever thought that I would feel up to doing that even a week ago. My diet and exercise mojo is returning slowly and steadily and yours will too.

    PS when you just released the comments on your last post, I was reading through them in my emails and I read one and thought "yep, I can really relate to that person! Who is that?!" Then realised that it was MY OWN COMMENT. Never a dull moment around here with a brain like that.

    Be well, take it easy, rest up, bide your time, this too shall pass. big hugs.

  3. Hope you are feeling better soon, good to see that you are maintaining... that's something to be absolutely proud about!

  4. Just keep doing the best you can :)

  5. Hope you are back to yourself soon! I am feeling a little the same way.

  6. You look amazing. I am so happy for you that you reached your goal. I haven't met mine yet, it is taking so long, but I am so very thankful for you, and other honest bloggers for the encouragement!!! Hang in there, and thank you!!!


  7. Good for you and look incredible!! I started my weight loss journey about 6 months ago and started using to help me with my overeating. I have lost 30lbs so far and have more energy than I did in my teens. I suggest this diet program to any person who is looking for help with their weight loss! Best of luck to you.

  8. Hola! Just peeking in to see how you are. I hope the blehs are all gone now? Have a great weekend, my lovely! xo

  9. You haven't updated in a while, let everyone know how you're doing!

  10. I just found your blog. This is awesome and so brave of you to put it out there. Wanted to see what you might think of my Hope some of it can help!


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