Thursday, August 9, 2012

Probably up some from crazy appetite this week, and thanks for the prayers!

I haven't weighed in a couple days, but last time it was 171.8, so up 3 lbs from lowest. Been eating really, really salty and two days I just ate too much. Hunger is way must address this.

I do want to say thank you very much. Hubby began his new job this morning. So, nearly 7 weeks searching, dozens of applications, only two interviews, but hey, one stuck. :D  It's not contract though most of the open positions were contracts, no benefits, and half or so his previous salary. It's full-time, salaried, with benefits. Not the same pay as previously, but more than the other jobs he'd been pursuing.  God is good!

My gratitude overflows for those who remembered us in prayer.

I have to get to my own work now. I have a lot of writing to do and a lot of work in the home to do (the decluttering and organizing project which is MASSIVE). We need to do some repairs and updating (costly, but I guess we'll do it bit by bit). And I need to prepare a budget to squeeze money for the home fix-ups from the new salary.

And I need to get back into an exercise routine, which has been non-existent for nearly 2 months. My bad. It's astounding how much muscle you lose being a slug again. I can feel the change, see it. My hard legs and arms have gone to mush. Sigh. I regret that.

My only other regret today is we didn't get to have a week's vacation. He was so busy studying and applying for jobs, and I figured we'd have some days or a week before the new job. But they wanted him to start immediately. It would have been nice to take a week to just bum around the city seeing sights and having fun.

That will come. For now, just some easing of the major stress.

Thanks again. Be well...


  1. Great news! Glad to hear the job search was successful. Yes, God IS GOOD!!!!

  2. I'm so happy for you and your husband. Congratulations!

  3. God is so Good!! I am so happy for you both. As for the slushy arms and legs? I think you'll end up pleasantly surprised at how fast they firm up when you get moving again. Muscle memory isn't an old wive's tale.

  4. I'm so happy your hubs has found employment! I'm sure your stress level will be lower now for both of you.

  5. Great news! I haven't been exercising enough either. We can do it through. Ever onward. :)

  6. Great news! I hope this means you can lower your stress level a notch or two. And I am so proud of you for maintaining your weight loss (and even losing a bit more, if through no appetite). It so easily could have gone the other way. You will gain your muscle tone back before you know it, once you get back to your exercise. Again, I am so happy for you both!

  7. He's probably the kind of guy that will be getting promotions and raises so more money is on the way. Take care.

  8. I'm so glad to hear about hubby's new job. I know that will help immensely in more than just financial ways. :)

  9. I am so happy that your hubby found work. When I posted the quote from Luke, that day two great things happened to me. It never ceases to amaze me how God just knows...Don't get me wrong it is not magic to is an acknowledgement of love and trust.

  10. This is wonderful news. I am so happy you have one less stress in your life.


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