Monday, July 2, 2012

Stress and the Scale--a new low, and some hopeful news...

I'm feeling a bit better, anxiety-wise, after getting sleep two nights in a row. Hallelujah!

Been so busy, between some stuff we had to do--job searching, taking company info notes for hubby; decluttering in case we need to move; and attending Supercon, which we had paid for BEFORE the lay-off and I thought I'd not enjoy, but it helped distract me, so worked fine.

I only had moments of that bone-rattling, shaking, nerves and palpitations anxiety/panic over the last couple days. Mostly, been praying, busy, and even danced 2 hours last night at the Supercon concerts.

Thank you so much, those who have prayed for us. I appreciate that more than these typed words could express, as I believe in the power of corporate prayer--prayers of like mind, of agreement.

Well, the good news is two-fold. 1. I'm at a total new low: 176.6  Weird, so weird. I stepped on the scale like 5 times thinking it had to be a blip. But no, five times it gave the same reading. That makes for 122.4 lbs lost total.

Good news #2 is that hubby had an interview today and they liked him enough for them to ask for him to come in for round 2 of interviews. Obviously, I researched the company for him, and it's a good one, a local one, and it would be a huge blessing for him to get the position. Please pray!

I hope this week sees you all doing well...and better..and best! I'm sorry I've been so busy that I haven't stopped by my usual blogging fatfighter-pal blogs. Forgive my absence. I hope to be back encouraging y'all soon. But a zillion things have my attention right now.

God bless...


  1. I understand, congrats on weight, and still praying. Also... Big hugs!

  2. Great weigh in!
    Hope the job comes through.

  3. congrats on your WL and I hope your hubby gets the job!

  4. Count me in on the prayer chain. Good things Good things for you and yours.

  5. :D God is not only great--He is GOOD! :D

    And WAHOO weight loss!


  6. You left the best most wonderful 2 comments to me. And I wanted to say thank you.

    Also, I just wanted to say about exercising and weight gain and loss. I was a thin person my whole life. I had 2 boys and still found myself thin. How did that happen? I don’t know. : ) Anyway, about 5 years ago, I started gaining weight. I ended up gaining 40 pounds. Which is a lot for me and my short frame. I felt unattractive, invisible at times to be honest. It really did a number on me gaining 40 pounds. I went through a stage where I thought....acceptance. for me to just accept being fat. : ) And then finally one day something in me just clicked and I said DONE! I joined Sparkpeople. I am not in the Japan boards. I am in the US boards. And I don’t tell them I am in fact from Japan. I like that because I can talk to them about the subject at hand. Losing weight and the lifestyle change. My struggles of losing weight. My worries....will the weight come back? Ahhh, it is something I struggle with as a woman, every single day. Anyway, I just wanted to say, I do read your blog about once a week. And I often find myself shaking my head in agreement with you. I respect everyone on the journey. And I am on that weight loss journey right along with you. I am.

    Anyway I just wanted to say, I “get” what you are saying. You are amazing and I just wanted to say that. : )

    Also wnat to say, 176.6 is AMAZING! Right on!!!! : )

    And count me in...I will also be praying here all the way from Japan.

  7. I am so sorry, i have been absent from blog land lately... Sending prayers your way..... Congrats on the new low weight

  8. Hope things get easier for you, I need to get back on track, I am fighting 10 lbs of weight gain..blah. I want to lose about 35 more!


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