Thursday, May 3, 2012

National Day of Prayer: And along with the Presidents and leaders....

...I pray for you (and me)... all of us struggling with food and obesity issues.

I hope you pray for me, too, if you are praying today for our country. Along with all the good things--peace, diminished crime, jobs for the unemployed, wisdom and integrity and insight for leaders in politics/religion/academia/research/law/etc, rain for parched areas, sun for flooded ones, revival and awakening, greater love of neighbor and mercy--remember to add health and strength for those of us bound by these besetting food issues (and sloth issues, heh).

God bless you all! And the Lord bless this country to be better and better and live up to its great ideals of liberty, justice, fairness, opportunity, and peace. I feel very blessed to live in this country, and I want it to grow into a finer, nobler nation for future generations. AMEN!


  1. Beautiful. Keeping positive. And sending positivity your way!

  2. Praying for all of us, Princess. Sometimes the best thing we can do is take all the mess of things and leave them with him at the alter. He has wide shoulders and can handle the things we cannot. Hugs to you.


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