Friday, March 2, 2012

Try Walking...if you haven't. Trust me, it's good for you in so many ways! (yet another vlog)


  1. I agree, walking can do the body, soul and mind good!

  2. Walking is therapeutic for me. I can pray, meditate, work out problems, work out solutions, etc. It can serve so many purposes. Or clear my mind completely. Have a great weekend!

  3. Excellent advice. I almost never take my iPod with me when I go walking. I love taking that time to think through things, clear my head and pray.

  4. I loved your Vlog topic today. I can say that after a year of daily walking for my lunch break, 30 mins , outdoors with my camera, on hills in a scenic area, I've had positive results.

    Not only can I get exercise , I de-stress and practice my hobby( photography). It's very zen and I'm much more productive in the afternoons.

    Keep posting the Vlogs. Love them. Karen P

  5. I think I can start with 15 minutes. I will make the effort tomorrow. Great vlog!

  6. I love walking!! Totally agree

  7. I also love walking outside, as I already wrote in my blog and I'm missing it at the moment, because nobody can watch the kids in the time that I would be gone from home. But thankfully that will change next week.
    For me walking is like having time by my self with God, speaking with him and yes, it helps to relax my brain and getting new thought in there.
    Thanks for your encouragement on walking.

  8. I had a ton of blogs to catch up on this morning, so I was cruising the titles in the newsfeed. I saw yours about Walking and thought... 'I walk about 60 minutes a day and know it benefits me'; I admit I was going to skip the post. Then I saw "yet another vLog' and I had to instantly come over and see it! Love your face, love your beautiful words. And iced green tea? Yes, Ma'am! Have a wonderful Saturday, Mir!


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