Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Fight The Fat Remotivation Project Day 1 VLOG


  1. In my case, for my body:

    If I ate fruit for breakfast, I'd crave sugar all day. I can only eat it at night after dinner.

    When I am craving something, I've learned to turn to fat. I take a 1/4 - 1/2 teaspoon of coconut oil.

  2. YOU are soooooo cute!
    Cravings are only a problem for me when I go off plan....
    It's like they say - It's always something!
    You look great.

  3. OMG Princess! I imagined your voice a bit deeper. LOOOOVE this Vlog decision. Love your youthy lovely look! If I did not know who you are and followed you, I would think you were 30 something. Seriously!


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