Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Ah...there it is.

Tanita-san: 179.8

Okay, good, the rising mojo is showing results. I was pretty NOT happy with having popped up back into the 180s....

The real proof of this mojo pudding will be getting UNDER 178 and staying under. It will break this stasis, up and down the same few pounds gig that I'm weary of. I honestly don't care if all I lose is 1/2 pound a week. Or 1/4th of a pound a week. As long as it's a consistent trend again towards goal. (And goal is not a fixed point anymore. I've come to constantly reassess, but for now, yeah, 160 it is, but the number is not what I'm wed to. It's just a marker for progress.)

Believing for it!


  1. You can do it! I'm glad real Mir is coming back! :)

  2. You certainly have been fighting a battle. The emotional part of this is so important and you sound like that part is coming back around. Good for you.

  3. What a nice week you are having! I hope that means you're feeling better.

  4. Doing the happy dance for you. Glad the thyroid Meds are starting to work and you are feeling better. A+ for not giving up. :). Karen P


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