Monday, December 19, 2011

Challenge 2012...still in the planning stage...but firming up (like we will, hah)...and fatphobia for the season? How about l little mercy and good will along with that heaping helping of social critique?

For a bit more of a preview, see this post.

Beth, babe (obesity strike Beth, that is), ya need to let me know if you changed your mind. I don't know if you'll be up for it, but you had asked and I saved you that slot. If you don't want it (when you see the rules), it's A-okay. I know I can be rules-beeyotch. It's that Catholic School upbringing, I think. hah.

And in case you want a glimpse into what an obviously NOT obese blogger thinks of the likes of us (fat folks, once or currently obese), here's a bit of a rant. The good part of the rant--an observation of money perhaps ill-spent, of greedy and self-serving excess in a time of suffering for so many--gets buried under the chilling fatphobia.

And granted, self-destructive behavior on our part (with food and sloth) ain't pretty, but neither is taking the holier than thou attitude about it so that we lose sight of the humanity of those who are slaves to appetite. And yes, when we eat this way, we are slaves to gluttony, whether biologically-driven, emotional-fueled, trauma-derived, or just plain self-indulgently powered.

A bit of mercy is never bad, especially at Christmastime.  We all don't overeat just cause we're a bunch of piggy-pigs who can't be bothered to self-control. And when comfort comes immediately in the form of carbs and fat and protein....maybe look to why we're self-medicating. Some folks use sex. Some cigarettes or drugs. Some music and dancing. Some coffee and conversation. And some cheer themselves or forget their woes and loneliness with cake and beef Wellington.  I've seen too many women who blog and are post-sexual abuse who eat to wear a disguise (fat). And those who have depressive issues (like moi), who used food to fire up some happy chemicals.

It's not always just because we're weak and greedy gluttons. It's often cause we're damaged and look for cheer where we can fastest and most easily find it.

We're all flawed in some way...every single one of us. Perhaps we ought not tempt others with "bad foods". Maybe that is a good lesson to take. Donate some to the food bank and put out a healthier buffet...maybe that's a lesson.

If you're tempted to heap up your plate over and over with non-nutritive, indulgent foods, remember: Someone is thinking THIS about does it feel to be seen in this light? Is it accurate? Does it help us NOT indulge to know we're seen as, well, basically,  Jabba the Huts in Food Heat?

I dunno. We are killing ourselves with overeating and poor eating, but these sorts of cruel depictions just seem to fuel more DIVISION and less cooperation. It may be as destructive as greed in the end to look down on others this way...including ourselves.

Okay, got my Pilates done, time for a walk...

Later well...


  1. When we know if we have been chosen....?

  2. After I post the rules entry on the challenge blog (new blog), I'll take requests. Then I'll see who wants in. I'll choose folks based onmy past relationship/observations with/of them in challenges and their blogs(they were supportive, didn't quit, were assets to the challenge, took it seriously about lining up and updating, followed rules). So, that's why folks need to keep an eye for the rules post. That's when I'll take a list of names (from the comments asking to join in). Hope that clears it up a bit.

  3. Oh wow! The rage of that fatphobic blog! It is a good motivator to remember that some people think those thoughts when they look at me. But the level of hate........... As a therapist, the level of hate was scary.

  4. Not only was the level of hate scary...but she/he works for that company......therefore since they have no problem taking money....that evil substance from them......worthless rant. If you care what your company does and promotes...go work for a small co for small money and help do some good. I read a bit more and it looks like some of the other answers/comments think that person is getting over the top. The way I see it there will always be haters and hopefully someday a light will come on and this ?person? will understand others. For now I will continue to work on improving myself....trying to continue to follow others who are trying to do the same and continue to read and be motivated by those that have been where I am and have joined the small group that has succeeded.

  5. lv2, I thought the same thing. If your company is so wretched and evil, and you're so socially-minded, go work for a charity, set up your own practice, go freelance, or find a more reputable firm. To take a salary (and bonuses, no doubt) from those you consider unprincipled lowlives, while critiquing said lowlives, what does that say about this person? That having this job matters more than their scruples and morality?

    Me, I take the Daniel route. You can work for tyrants, but you need to be a source of light and honor in the midst of the dishonor. That rant is not honorable.

  6. I still want in, Mir and I read the post about the rules for this challenge. I'm prepared except for the tape measure. My daughter borrowed mine and never brought it back. I will give her a call. In the meantime, I started back on plan today with a weight of 167. Hopefully, I will be down further by Jan but the primary goal for me is to be able to wear the size 10 challenge dress I bought and have it look decent on me. I would also like to be back down to 150 by April. If I get into the dress but don't lose down that far, I will still feel that I succeeded. I want the main accomplishment for this challenge to be that I get my eating under complete control and have my head firmly back in the game. My head has been MIA lately and the emotions have been driving my appetite.

  7. Well said Mir...I like the Daniel analogy. Lets see if I can do another....Charity begins at home....and there was nothing charitable in that rant.
    On to another topic...if you would pls consider me for the next challenge.....I will even post weekly pictures if needed(and maybe learn how to be able to do the rest of the post after?) I'll be looking for your post on it. Have a good week.

  8. Hey, I think it's going to let me comment, it's been wacko forever on your blog. Can you put an email subscribe on your blog here through blogger? I love reading your posts and I like my favorite blogs to come to my email, it's much easier for me.

    Vegetables. If I can just load up my plate with veggies like I used to I'll be in a much better place!

  9. It's nice to be nice - especially to ourselves!

  10. There was a lot of hate in that blog. That person is extremely unhappy and chooses to chew on people who chew too much food. I have never found it helpful to worry about what other people think of my eating. Quite frankly, if I am into the food I do not care what anyone thinks. I take my food and hide. Screw the world. I am more annoyed that someone I love with a food problem would be judged by such a person and I would see it in the eyes of the person watching them eat. . . . and then I would want to go over and poke out both their eyes for daring to judge, with ridicule, someone who is sick and in need of help. Oh yes, I am better off not around such people.

    Jane at Keeping the Pounds Off


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