Sunday, December 4, 2011

CDCC Update #12: Man, think I'm coming down with something, boo...and the scale is still down, yay...

Tanita-San: 178.4

I'm putting this "short for me" post as a possible placeholder here, as I have to head out for a family party. But man, I do not feel spiffy. I can't tell at this point if it's allergies, a cold, an asthma flare, a combination of the previous, or whatever. Might be an active "attack thyroid" phase. I just feel off. A bit stuff. A bit tight in the throat. A bit heavy in the chest. A bit draggy.

I'm gonna take a big dose of C, drink hot green tea, and think positive thoughts.

December is a bad month for me, nearly always. Things bloom that mess me up. I hope my better overeal health status helps me get through it better than so many years past.

I got back to walking yesterday. 30 minutes. No ankle disaster. Yay. Did have some breathing "less than", will monitor. May need to hit the steroids again to get through December's assault.

Fluids were fine this week. Exercise was lax--just some dancing and the walking. No Pilates. I supported fellow challengers. I kept the faith.

If I want to add anything, will do so later, but wanted to enter my linky before I leave the house.

Happy Sunday, all, and be well.


  1. I hope you feel better soon. There's too much to do this month to have to take time out to be sick. Good job on the weight!

  2. I caught a little cold a couple of days ago too. Nothing bad enough to make me disappear under my blankets, but enough so I noticed. I'm trying to fruit and veg my way out of it. The last three years I've always caught something riiiight before Christmas and been ill for Christmas/new year - NOT THIS TIME! I refuse to let it happen again.

  3. I hope you start feeling better soon! Make sure you make time to relax and take care of yourself.

  4. I know what you mean about December, every December I usually come down with bronchitis and end up sleeping on the couch on Christmas day :(
    Hopefully this will not stay around long and you can give it the boot quickly!

  5. Congrats on the loss!!! Sorry to hear about the not feeling 'right'.
    Hydrate, Take care of yourself!!

  6. Again we are sharing the exact same weight. Pretty cool there Mir.
    I am sorry you're not feeling up to par, that was me last week now back to normal but just to get my TOM next week. Oh well, it's life.
    Enjoy your evening out.
    Take care and God Bless!!

  7. sending you nice thoughts with your warm tea!

  8. I hope you wake up feeling better in the morning.


  9. I have been dealing with allergy induced asthma & stuffiness, I hate it! It's been a little hard getting the breathing down on my daily walks but I still try to get it in. I hope you are feeling better & that you don't have to deal with it all month!


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