Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Got Hashimoto's Thyroiditis? Get Rid of the Gluten!

Auto-immune wackiness runs in my family--AITD, Lupus, Alopecia Universalis, autoimmune aplastic anemia, and the gamut of allergies/sensitivities....

So, if you have this stuff, too, I feel  your pain!

Anyway, READ THIS if you have AITD/Hashimoto's and you're still eating those recommended 'healthy whole grains' with gluten. Seriously, look into it. Read WHEAT BELLY by Dr. Davis, while you're at it, too.

And if you already know you're sensitive (Debbi, Deb Willbefree, etc), put down the dang gluten!!!!! Stop that!!!  Ditch it!!!! Don't look back!!!! :)

Hashimoto’s often manifests as a “polyendocrine autoimmune pattern”. This means that in addition to having antibodies to thyroid tissue, it’s not uncommon for Hashimoto’s patients to have antibodies to other tissues or enzymes as well. The most common are transglutaminase (Celiac disease), the cerebellum (neurological disorders), intrinsic factor (pernicious anemia), glutamic acid decarboxylase (anxiety/panic attacks and late onset type 1 diabetes).

It's not your thyroid. It's your immune system whacking your thyroid (and, maybe, other tissues). Take care of yourself from the gut in.

And be well...


  1. I don't have a sensitivity that I know of but I would like to know more about it. I know for sure that grains affect my weight adversely.

  2. What an inspiring blog. I just discovered you. Can't wait to follow along. Congrats on your WL. That's awesome and you look great!!

  3. ummm... wow. I looked at some of those studies, and while they weren't all that conclusive, there certainly seems to be a great deal of data showing SOME sort of connection (although nothing showing causation) between auto-imune disorders and gluten. I'm going to have to reconsider the diet for the entire family.

    Thanks for posting this!

  4. I've had Hashimotos for about 16 years. I feel much better being gluten free.

  5. I do not have it but I know how wheat effect me so it is not on my daily food plan. Thank you for the reminder.



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