Sunday, October 2, 2011

CDC Challenge Update #3: Where I stay the same on the scale, but am feverishly plotting to unleash my fatfighting warrior again on the inside. :D

A new month. Not a new number this week on the scale:

Tanita-san says, "180.4"

Same as last update.

Why? I'm eating maintenance level calories. About 1700, some days less, one day closer to 1800. I only stayed in CDCC caloric range one day this week. So, I maintained, with little rambles up and down the 2 lb range.

Exercise goals: met. Hurt my ankle Friday so have been babying it, but otherwise, met my minimum.

Fluids: Met
Book: reading it
Support: Have commented on various challenge blogs, so yeah.
Blogging: yeah, with pics!

My special effort and emphasis this week is on getting back under 1400 calories per day. No helping it. To make that dress goal, I have to do 1200 calories, and I cannot go above 1400. Or I maintain. And if I go over 1700, I will gain. Pretty simple. But not always easy.

But I did it in the past, so I can do it again. If I dig deep, if I exercise my willpower muscle,  I'll find that mojo again.

I made my new little badge (see side bar left) to remind me of the ticking clock. I bought a new dress (see pic previous post) to remind me to NOT regain, so I can wear cute dresses that make my husband's eyes light up like mad. Dresses that show off how nice my legs have become (at least from the lower thigh down, hah).

Life goes on. The fight goes on. The Challenge goes on. And I am not...ever...quitting!

I hope everyone has an amazing October. One full of epiphanies, newfound strengths, lower scale numbers, and greater zest for life and health.

Onward. Be well...


  1. It is hard to maintain the intentions when you start getting satisfied with where you are. I eventually was able to get it in control though and get to the numbers I wanted to see. You can too. :)

  2. Good work, at least it's not a gain. There is no shame in being able to maintain. This week will be better for both of us.

  3. "Pretty simple. But not always easy.". Ain't that the truth!? Hope your ankle gets better soon and you have a fab week... ;)

  4. With my race did and done with it's time to put my full mind on the weight loss and everything that comes with that. You can do this Mir, we can do this. Take care and God Bless!! Oh by the way, I hope that your ankle is healing well. My back is slowly but much better then it was.

  5. A good October... yes, all for that! New month, clean slate, let's rock it. :) Your post about the months left til the end of the year really rang a bell with me. It's not that long, and at the end we can be happy with how we did or we can wish we'd done better... so let's do our best and have no regrets, just health and being proud of ourselves.

  6. I'm with you. I don't care if it takes 5 years!
    I am not going to quit or give up or stop trying!

  7. I'm hoping to stick it out this time too. With you all the way!

    Wish I had the mojo to cut back down to 1200 or even 1400, not really looking forward to this week's weigh in.

  8. You are definitely not a quitter. You are a role model of hard work. Keep at it & it will pay off.

  9. Wow! Atta girl! What an incredible transformation - especially to be able to keep going all day long. Very inspiring.

  10. Sounds like a good week! You will start dropping lbs before ya know it!

  11. it's like you've told me before...

    Consistency is KEY!

    Never give up! Never give in! :)

  12. You can do this!! I hope you have a great week this next week!!


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