Saturday, August 27, 2011

I'm starting to organize the CHRISTMAS DRESS COUNTDOWN CHALLENGE's the challenge blog link (with rules and other preliminary stuff)

If this is one you plan to do, read THIS.

Easy to remember that url:

It's also in my blogroll to the right (scroll down some),  in case you forget the url. :)

I put up a blogroll over at  of those who asked to join the challenge and are officially IN, if they desire. Angela Pea: I wasn't sure if you're "I'm Good!" means you liked the rules and are in, or if you are fine doing your last 10 pounds on your own. I put your blog up on the roll, but let me know if you want it removed (ie, not in the challenge).

As of this moment, I have 7 gals, including me, in the blogroll.

I have several names on the waiting list, ie. gals I didn't see complete a phase of DDDY or who are not one of the ones intent on completing the StS on Sunday.

If you are completing StS, or you did at least one complete phase of DDDY and I kinda or definitely know you, you're in. Just drop a comment over THERE in the post as directed AFTER reading the rules. READ THE RULES. :)

I put up a few books in a sidebar that folks might want to look into (some asked for suggestions). Please suggest books on these topics (if they helped you a lot):

emotional eating
stress eating
food addiction
binge eating
organization (cause eating right and exercise requires this)
procrastination (since lots of folks have a hard time getting going)
spiritual issues related to this (sloth, gluttony, weight issues from a religious/spiritual perspective)
Psychological issues not mentioned.
Other pertinent books for the challenge.

If the book you recommend looks useful, I'll add it to the sidebar of the challenge blog.

Okay, done for now.

Later, be well...


  1. I love your dress countdown challenge. Hmm, I might have to think about joining in. Though, I'd like to get into a bathing suit for Christmas! haha

  2. I tried several times to post this to the Challenge blog, but could never get it to post:

    I posted on my blog yesterday that I am looking for another challenge since STS is coming to an end. This week I am completing both the STS anf the Bye Bye Booties challenges with a 22 lb. loss! I don't want to stop and the accountability of these challenges really helps!

    I am Charlene and my blog is Dieting4Disney...


Thank you for visiting and adding your comment. Because of horrible spammers, only "registered users" may comment. Sorry. I had to remove the crazy captcha, and this is the compromise. ~~~I always appreciate support from kind folks. If you have nothing constructive or supportive to add, please move along to another blog. Life is short and I do not need the aggravation. The journey is hard enough. Do not make mine harder! THANKS...and God bless you big time as you progress on your own path to better health and a happier life!