Tuesday, August 16, 2011

For Food Freak: Yeah, they're staying put (hair), plus wearing gray at 184.4 lbs(pics)

Food Freak: I had the hair done Saturday, and this is how it looked tonight. So, hanging in there, though my curl pattern is imposing itself bit by bit.. I do add leave-in condish to the ends (twice since Saturday) to keep hair moisturized. But all I do is brush it out. (I had to remember to add a brush to my purse, cause with curls, you only use your fingers to adjust.) :D

Very comfy "The Girls" slacks in XL


  1. The hair is looking super silky smooth (got to love the movie "Don't Mess with the Zohan) and that is a cute outfit!

  2. Man, you have such thick, healthy, hair. Much jealousy here! Thank you VERY much for the answer and the photos. You look GREAT!!

    You don't have much more to lose toward your goal of 160. Keep up the fantastic work, kiddo. You're achieving a magnificent thing, and have worked very hard to get there. I'm truly impressed. You'll reach goal before your target date if you keep this up. But don't hurry, right? Right!

  3. Your hair still looks fabulous. I haven't had curls since the days of bad 80s perms.

    I just had to stop in to tell you that I just this morning realized that you are the same beautiful Princess from Once Upon a Diet. How did I not realize that before now? All this time I thought we just "met" through the StS challenge and now know we've been friends for years. Apparently I'm a little slow sometimes (just like my weight loss).

    Have a beautiful day Princess!

  4. Fabulosity! You look amazing!

  5. You look beautiful. You've come so far! Wow.

    Looking good, lady.

  6. I love your shirt in this pic, very cute!

  7. Beautiful hair! And beautiful you :)

  8. WOW, you look great! I love your hair, gorgeous. You've got that sexy movie star look going.

  9. Beautiful my dear friend, just plain beautiful. Doesn't it feel awesome not to be hiding behind the camera? I even let the kids take pictures of me now. Most are terrible but once in awhile they get me smiling with no food in my mouth, not talking, no drooling or whatever. :o)
    Take care and have a blessed day. Thanks for stopping by the new blog.


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