Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Finally Back to "Low Ground" With Four Days Left in Slimmer This Summer and Why I Don't Believe In Shrouding One's Weight Number in Secrecy....

Tanita-san: 183.8

Captured the lost ground. Back to lowest journey weight again. Just want some progress beyond this by last weigh-in for StS. As long as I do what I ought and don't go salt-nuts (as I am wont to do), should be fine.

I had such a long-winded post last time, hey, got nothing here. Plan to walk today. Cancelled my Pilates classes this week due to hubby's trip/hurricane worries, but now we're not gonna get hit and hubby's trip was rescheduled. Yay to both. But I still gotta move.

If you are interested in a possible challenge I'm pondering, read the long-long-long-looong previous post. I only want folks who will commit to hang in for the full challenge, be the weeks good or bad, breezy or excruciating, joyful or depressed, milestones or setbacks. I want folks willing to lay it out there, good or bad, no excuses. AND A WEIGHT NUMBER. No hiding.

We give power to the damn scale number when we don't voice it. What's covered up is made to seem shameful. What's hidden is given more power than it should have. Set yourself free. Post the damn number and empower YOURSELF. Own it.

I've always told people my real weight, when I was 299 (and I'd round it up to 300). I didn't see any reason to lie. Trust me. People look at you and if you're obese, they know you're fat. They know you ain't 130 lbs. Lying about one's weight is just kinda weird. Hiding is...a way of admitting shame. And I think shame is already enough part of the equation. It's best to let it loose, release the number, and start getting over the embarrassment. Can't hide being really fat. People've got eyes. So, why hide a number when the evidence is right there in 3-D?

I'm 51. I'm 183.8 lbs.

So what? Do you like me less cause it ain't 125? Do you like me more cause it ain't 299?

It's just numbers...

And, well, I guess I did have something to say. :)

Later, be well...


  1. It's weird - the whole weight in numbers thing. Those pounds carry a price tag costing you lots of self-consciousness! I never hid them on my blog, posted my weight on day one and every week since. I don't go screaming it out at family gatherings or anything, but anyone who sees me knows darn good and well I was over 300. Not any more!! :) You've come so far... you're just awesome!! I can't say it enough.

  2. I never even thought about this, but you're so right. I always hid how much I weighed. In fact, I even lied on my driver's license. There's a benefit to the latter, however. If I were ever wanted by the police, they'd never guess it was me if they were looking for someone that weight. lol

    Own it. That's a big lesson to be learned. Thanks, Princess.

    OH, btw. You look 10 years younger than 51. I never would have guessed--never.

  3. You are exactly right, although I have never been one to tell my weight. All that Southern Lady stuff...

    Anyhoo, it is just a number, as you say, along with body measurements and shoe size.

    I'm up for a challenge. I need to lose those last 5 lbs. Again. (Sigh.)

  4. AMEN! What you say is so true. I can sit here and tell the world that I stick to my plan 100% but eventually, it will catch up with you if your physical doesn't match. It's a small world. :) That's one reason I post pictures of myself and of my scale when I weigh in at home. Because it shows the true me.

  5. You are so right. We need to be honest about our weight if we are going to be successful in making changes and sticking to them. Lying to yourself or anyone else will only sabotage your efforts.

  6. I thought my journey with the StS would be a breeze then my head and my scooterbutt got in my way. I am wearing my Do Life T Shirt to the hospital...and guess what? The guy who dressed my wounds had lost 140 lbs by lowering his carbs. It made me think...Stupid is your foot not your stomach. He said that after a while it just started peeing off and he didn't have to think about it. Well maybe so...and maybe I think way too much and like am co dependent on this demon binging beast that talks me into it.

    I want to do my last weigh in. I'm with you miss 185 OMG beautiful brunette bombshell I see up there! And I am back after captchas and yours are so magical. It is "dedinc" which in my weirdo brain means Dedicate. Hmm...

  7. I've been one of those who are vague about my numbers, purposefully, but for no reason I can remember now.

    I'm in, so here it is. I'm 47 years old, 5'-3", and I weigh 159 pounds. I started at 223. I started keeping track of my weight loss two years ago, at 198. I am officially working on my last ten pounds.

    I'm thinking about a purple dress....

  8. She's outta the weight closet! And only 10 pounds to go.Wow. I still have a lot more than that! Good for you. PURPLE! Ya never know, I might switch to green or purple. Or gold. I don't know. Depends on what's out there that covers the crinkly upper arms. :D

    Bluezy, I'd have seen "dedicate" , too. Glad you'll be in the last weigh-in with StS!



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