Sunday, August 28, 2011

BMI, average US Woman's stats, another milestone number to aim for, and "Hi" to all my future co-challengers in the next weight loss bloggy event for moi--Christmas Dress Countdown Challenge!

Tanita-san: 182.4

I loved seeing another half-pound down. I want to be in the 170s so badly. Another milestone will be hitting 172. For two reasons. It's the last weight at which I remember feeling truly sexy and good and flexible and well. Before the big illness hit and made me an invalid at 30, with miserable years thereafter soaked in black goo of depression and doctor visits, etc.

172 . I remember doing aerobics in my white shorts and white tank and feeling young and strong. 172. Milestone number in my brain. I wanna hit it.

Out of curiosity, I put 182 lbs (me now) and "172 lbs" (future me) in the BMI calculator to see what percentile that would put me in.

182 = 58th percentile
172 = 50th percentile (smack in the middle)

I then entered my goal weight to see where that would put me:

160 = 38th percentile (a much better place to be on that curve)

(I did hubby's stats on the calculator,  too, the man who's leaned out like mad on our lacto-primal-ish eating, and he's in the 11th percentile. Go, long and lean prince o' mine!)

I found this from the CDC about the average American woman's measurements:

Height (inches):   63.8
Weight (pounds):  164.7
Waist circumference (inches):   37.0

Nice to have a below average waist, when I'm above average in height (by 2 measly inches, though).  Not nice to see the average US woman is overweight. Unless she's an athlete, full of heavy bones and muscle, 5'4" and 165 lbs is hardly lean.

I make myself this promise: I will get BELOW average weight. Yeah, baby!

 Hello to the gals joining me in the Christmas Dress Countdown Challenge (henceforth, CDCC). As I mentioned in the comments section of in the rules post over at the CDCC blog, having a dress or outfit serves another purpose.

Ever have that week--those weeks--when the scale won't move but the body changes some, so you FIT BETTER in your clothes? Well, having a dress/outfit/coat/grass skirt/etc that you use for motivation is also having a tool to get you through the stalls. Cause if you are exercising, your body can still improve when the scale stalls. A dress can fit a little more even when the number stays the same on your home scale.

This is why it's a good tool. Visual. Tactile. And...a non-scale measure. Worth the investment. Motivation for less than 100 bucks. You can't get a life coach for that.

If you aren't already in a challenge and want some motivation-mojo to get through (most) of the year, go read the rules (see previous link for challenge blog) and see if it's the kind of challenge you CAN do and WILL do and are ready to do.

The blogroll on the right sidebar of the challenge blog is the roster of ladies already IN the ready-to-self-challenge for 14 weeks come September 11. View it here.


  1. Yay! I'm on the list. I'm going to go buy a dress on Saturday. Now, I have to start looking for a book. I'm so excited :)

  2. You're right, it is about more than just the number on the scale, having something tangible (to fit in) will help! I have a TON of clothes that are just within my reach if I buckle down but this jacket in particular I really want. I can't wait for it NOT to be snug around the shoulders and for it to close in the front! :-)

  3. Great going Princess! Your goal to a size ten looks promising.

  4. Those "emotional milestones" are really significant, aren't they? I have time periods/memories associated to around the 170s too. Hope you reach it in good time, and sure you will. :) And thanks for adding me to the Challenge, I'm really excited about it!

  5. Interesting stats there. I'm that freak you know ;) I'm around 30 lbs over that average weight but several inches (it's been a while since I measured) under that waist circumference. This is disturbing to me since I am most unhappy with the waist of any measurement these days (upper arms perhaps tied or a close second).

    Hmmm... maybe I'll join this challenge. I have time right?

  6. Evelyn, I admire your big, bountiful brain and sass so much, you have carte blanche to enter any challenge I ever host or co-host. :) Let me know if you want in.

    And I'm one of those spiders--skinny appendages and poochy middle. Even at age 15, when I weighed normal weight for height, wee arms and legs (well, never upper arm) and weight centralized. Frustrating to have a waist that was never under 30 even when a not-Hollywood-thin but normalish weigt teen/adult.

  7. I'll be rooting for you and your 172!

    I wish I had some better (i.e tighter fitting clothes) so I could measure my NSV. I'm still wearing the same dresses and yoga pants that I wore 42lbs ago. Granted, they are MUCh looser, but a pair of jeans would have been a great tool.

  8. I'm no good with challenges... but if I were - I would do yours!
    Cuz I luv ya!
    You really are a Princess of the Weight Los Blogs!
    And I am cheering you and all the Losers on!


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