Monday, August 1, 2011

28 Days Left in Slimmer This Summer Challenge...and what is challenging you today?...Laugh it Off Newsletter gives me a nod, yay!...and a pic of just-got-up me ready to MOVE!

Counting TODAY, there are 28 days left in the Slimmer This Summer Challenge. Some are rocking it. Some are having setbacks or derailments. Some are hanging in and losing steadily.

We've got 28 days to continue to make progress. I intend to.

Tanita-san today: 186.4

Less than yesterday. I'll take it!

I think finally resting and a lessening of stress has allowed my body to release fat again. I had pretty much just maintained during the worst of July's sufferings, and for me, that was one of the few positives, a rather great victory personally,  in the midst of chaos and the storm and loss.

I got up shortly ago (yeah, I'm a nite owl),  and before washing my face or brushing my teeth or setting my slept-on curls in order, I put on my workout clothes and took this pic to remind me of what I need to get back to TODAY:

Waving HI! at 186.4, with stinky breath,
messy curls, but my workout duds are on!
I am deciding whether to breakfast first, just drink coffee and get to it, or what, cause, well, it takes me a while to actually fully WAKE UP! But today, my inner athlete needs to reawaken.

What is your most urgent Challenge "challenge" today? Food? Tracking? Exercise? Water/fluids? Support? Believing in yourself? Shopping for good food? What?

Whatever it is: Beat that devil down! Get it done!

(This is addressed to me above all!)

And it's nice to be though nicely of, right? So, my thanks for the linky love from Rebecca Regnier in the Laugh it Off newsletter for August 1, 2011  As someone who plans to make all her birthdays since this year's "health-affirming and diet-supportive", I love the idea on focusing on party favors that are not at all food/edible/caloric. :D

We've got a brand new day and week to make it count. Off we go...

Be well...


  1. You are so right to exercise first thing and set the tone for the day. You look very fit in the pic. Keep going! My project for today is getting my plan in place for August. I will post about it when I get everything set. I'm glad you're back!

  2. You are looking pretty amazing in your workout gear. Look at those slim hips and thighs. Wow!

  3. Welcome back sister! To the challenge, blogworld, and most importantly - your exercise. I am almost all of the above too, primarily shopping for food though. It is over 100 degrees here, so not feeling like going out in the heat. Deciding what DVDs to do in the comfort of my own home, 80 degrees. LOL.

  4. Princess, you're looking so svelte these days! You're doing so well despite a heavy, heaping plate of life stuff.
    Nice pins!

  5. You look good, Mir.

    My 2 biggest challenges are getting sleep and getting over the weepies. My trainer intensified my workout last week, so my exercise is good. The sleep meds (temporary) have a few side effects. One of them is weight gain, so I am not losing at the moment. Oh joy...

  6. You are looking fabulous! We are exact opposites and I'm up at 5:00 most mornings but tired around 10:00 each evening and ready to sleep. Keep up the good work. :)

  7. Hi Princess. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I just wanted to say that I'm really short (5'3") and being at 140 is the high end of my weight range that Weight Watchers gave me to choose from long ago. They said 113 (NO!) to 141. Twenty years ago I would have chosen 125 or 130 but now it is too hard to maintain. Have a great day!

  8. Great pic, Princess. You look wonderful and healthy. You are right. I think you may be at the right weight for you. You look fit and that is what counts more than the numbers. I will be here to support whatever you decide to do with your weight loss. I wish I looked as good as you in my workout clothes. Yowza!

  9. Today, my challenge is food for sure. I'm still stressing over my paper and it won't be done until Sunday. I am doing some on it every day but get very anxious as it progresses. Concentrating for a long time just wears me out. I hope your workout goes great. Before you know it you will have inspired me to move my butt.

  10. You and me should have been born in the west coast because it seems our bodies prefer that time zone. :) I'm working on getting my butt out of bed early each morning and hope that at some point, my mind will follow and I'll be able to get to sleep earlier than midnight.

    28 days left .... I've seriously got to kick it in gear but I think I've gotten to the point where I know what needs to be done with all these changes I've had recently. Resisting change = easy; acceptance of changes = so hard; losing the weight and getting healthier = worth accepting the changes. :)

  11. Amazing, you are! I'm so proud of you, and immensely happy for you surviving the sadness and stress of the past month and coming out smiling and ready live again!

    My biggest challenge has become the weather. It's so danged hot here that getting exercise done is an effort, even indoors. The brutality of the heat just sort of beats me down and wears me out. will end eventually, so for now I just do the best I can!

  12. You are looking fantastic!!
    It's a great way to start the day with exercise!

  13. Looking VERY GOOD girl!!!!

    I can see exactly why I wear smaller pants than you at a higher weight. I carry the fat I do all up and down my legs and in my arms far more than you. My calves are probably bigger than your mid thigh ;) No pencil pants for moi!

  14. Thank you for the comment and bit of reality on my last post. 25 pounds is a lot in a month and I need to think from a slightly different frame of mind in order to remember the real goal which is healthy living. You are AWESOME! Thank you!

  15. Princess Dieter, I don't visit too many weight-loss blogs or comment on many, but I wanted to say that I saw your progress pics and particularly the pic above and even more the size-14 swimsuit photo from June and you are doing AWESOME ! ! !

  16. Wow! Your body looks so tight. Mine is still pretty saggy from my recent weight loss. I need to add some strength training now I think. You are looking great! I wish I could get myself to work out in the morning before my boy wakes up. I'm just not much of a morning person, but by the evening when I want to work out I am exhausted from chasing the little one around all day.

  17. You look awesome! Your blog is an inspiration... Way to go! :)


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