Saturday, June 4, 2011

This makes 2 lbs off for the week so far, and off I go to get moisturized!..and back with pics plus a "Why We're Fat" Chart...And answering some questions from comments!

Tanita-san: 194.6

That makes 2 lbs off so far this week.

Tomorrow is the official last weigh-in for P5, although I'm not sure if we need to actually officially send it off. We'll see. Hubby and I will be eating lunch out, as we have an appt in an hour at the Aveda Truu Salon in Hollywood. Groupon score. :)

I've already had my hair cut and dyed by my trusted neighborhood stylist, so I'm just gonna use the Groupon for a conditioning treatment and maybe a blow-out. Not sure. My curls are lovely after the protein treatment I did on Saturday (to protect strands from imminent dyes), but we'll see...I'll make a decision at the salon.

I got bitten up like mad by skeeters walking Thursday, and I'm still itching like mad despite lots of Neosporin and steroid cream. Big pink bumps that itch! I guess it's long pants for the salon. No shorts today, while I look like St. Lazarus of parable fame.

So, nothing much from me today....sorry...but I did want to wish you a great Saturday, heat nowithstanding.

Updating after return home:

We just got home a bit ago. Had fun. After the salon, we walked around downtown Hollywood, FLORIDA (someone asked which Hollywood), ate at an Argentinian steakhouse. Hubby had skirt steak and fries, I had chicken and green beans. Neither of us touched the bread basket. No dessert. Two small salads as starters. Nummy.

Here's pics of us after salon-ing it:

Obviously, given the beef cut charts behind us, we're at the steakhouse.
Ooh, blow out and cleavage!

Beef and My Tasty Cut of Cutiepie!
Outside on a pretty, warm, late-late spring day in Hollywood, Fl....
If you are ever in South Florida and need to get hair pampered, I do highly recommend the Aveda Truu Salon on Harrison Street across from the Ramada. Relaxing. Clean, Very friendly staff. Good listeners. Massages. And aromatherapy. Nice. Ask for Leslie, Rachel or Ryan. All nice...

Susan, the Cheese Course is a shop-meets-cafe where they sell all sorts of, um, cheese. I'm very fond of their cheddar and manchego. :D We go have salads there at times. Hubby likes the roast beef and I like the American Field Greens salad (greens, avocado, cheddar, bacon with a balsamic dressing). Very nice olive tapenade, too. It has a very small eating space inside and outside, but if anyone goes there, choose the outside. The courtyard at the Gulfstream Racetrack & Casino is so pleasant. People always look happy there. :)

Joy, thanks for the award, but I got it already. Scroll down my sidebar to see. :) I want to thank you for offering it to me, cause it's always wonderful when people enjoy hanging with the bloggy self. Please pass it on to a virgin awardee. :D

I got some new Zoya nail polish and off I go to prettify my toes...after some email reading and blog catching-up. :D

I'll leave ya with this:

fat americans
Learn more about Healthy Meals


  1. A great Saturday to you too, Princess. Have fun at the salon. A day of pampering sounds good to me!

  2. I missed what is "cheese course"? I looked at your profile pic and the is what it is labeled "bashful smile..etc" LOL Love that you changed it AND the Onderland photo. Your hard work and time has paid and is continuing to pay! Slimmer This Summer here it comes. Enjoy your weekend.

  3. Hollywood....wahoo. Which Hollywood are we talking about? You are looking amazing. Cant wait for Monday and day 1 for a slimmer summer. Gracie

  4. Hey, I want to borrow your scale, yours is nicer! I know you're working your butt off!

    Have fun with the hair!

  5. I love to see how you are so in love with your husband! It warms my heart to see that and I find it incredibly cute! ;)

    You're rocking!

  6. You look fabulously happy and I, too, love hearing about how much you love your husband!
    Congrats on the continued weight loss, Princess!

  7. Someday, one day I think I'd like to visit a salon or some place to get pampered. Would be kind of cool. I am so glad you get to do this for yourself.
    Thank you for your prayers this week. It has been stressful and challenging but I did it and survived and now it's onward and upwards (downwards really) to next week.
    Take care and keep up the great and amazing work. Blessings my friend.

  8. Awww you two are so cute!

  9. Whoops, my bad on the award ;) Just consider it some extra love for ya ;) Thanks for the heads up though. Love the chart you listed; I should print several copies and hand it out whenever I run into one of the unfortunate souls who deny that we have a serious problem in this country in regards to obesity. Thanks for sharing!

  10. No, Joy: "your good" on the award. I'll take any love y'all wanna send my way. Sisterly and brotherly, motherly or fatherly. Friendly. Love is good. :) Of course, I'm all full up in the lover-spouse-love dept. :D

    Thank you again, Joy, for thinking of me. Tres nice.

  11. 2 pounds! Good work! You & hubby look SO happy! :)

    That last graphic though- scary!

    Sarah @ Thinfluenced

  12. Congratulations on the weight loss and I am so glad you both enjoyed your pampering day together!


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