Sunday, June 26, 2011

Day 21 of 84 in the StSC: Borrowed Swimsuit Sunday For the Mini Pool

Suit size 14 at 189.8 lbs

I'm pooped, so I'll do my updates later. Had lotsa fun. Ate too much (no cake, no crap, just more than challenge calories.) And here's my own contribution to Swimsuit Sunday...a borrowed swimsuit and my first pool in two decades. A kiddie pool. But hey, was in there 2 hours, kicked, did assorted things, played with the kids (let them ride me as a friendly whale, hah), Marco Polo. No birthday cake for hubby. Lotsa fruit, salad, and grilled protein. Not the sunniest day, but the sunshine was in our hearts and laughter.

Who knew even a kiddie pool was such fun at age 51? Now, I know...
(And yeah, you can see the inner thigh crinkle and hip droopies..for those obsessed
about the loose skin/crinkles/hangs after lotsa weight loss. Ah, well...)

Hope you guys had a great one. Catch up later...must...shower and sleep.


  1. You look beautiful. I'm too ashamed to be in a swimsuit anywhere right now.

  2. You look fantastic, I posted my suit photos too.

  3. You look great. I can't wait until I can put on a swimsuit as well. It's been 20 years!!

  4. Sounds like a good time!

  5. You can really see how your figure is getting more hourglass-y in that pic!

  6. Looking good baby! Spent the entire weekend in the pool myself. Awesome, cant wait for next weekend. Gracie

  7. You look wonderful!
    And beautiful!

  8. Hot momma! I went swimming this weekend for the first time in probably 10 years, it felt amazing! Now I need a swimsuit, I just ended up going in shorts and a tang top.

  9. Look at your sexy lady!!! WAHOOOO So excited for you!! You look AWESOME!!

  10. Seriously, Princess ... you look fantastic!!!
    I'm so happy you're back in the pool after all these years.

    Glad you guys had a wonderful day!

    btw ... I am loving the Refuse to Regain book.

  11. You know what amazes me the most about your progress photos? You look like you are getting younger with each one.. seriously! I'm not buttering you up, you really do look younger each time!!

  12. Curvy and sexy. You look great in that color. The Pilates really show. You flexed right divinely. You might be self critical, but I can see nothing, but a very happy, youthful and beautiful Princess.

  13. That suit really suits you! Lovely!


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