Sunday, May 22, 2011

Shopping for New Workout Wear..and fitting into some L and XL at Sports Authority!

I couldn't shop at Sports Authority in the past. Nothing in stock in the Uberlarge categories I needed once.  (I used to need 5x at my highest, then 4x, 3x...).

And my feet were wide and long, so even the women's sneakers were not big enough/wide enough. So, I once bought men's sneakers there.

We went there tonight--the world didn't end, so we gotta keep working out, as it turns out--to get stuff for me and hubby, as we're both shrinking (though he doesn't need more shrinkage, just buffing up).

I bought L and XL. I was very happy.

Here a pic, and notice my Thursday blow-out is still looking nice; and I wake up like that, no primping. Dang, it's enough to tempt a natural curly girl to go back to blow-outs.

Shopping's way more fun these days. I even got SHORTS. :D

Happy weekend, folks.


  1. I feel ya' on the shopping thing. Shopping for the XXXXXXL stuff sucks. I just got to shop at a "normal person"store for clothes for the first time. You are looking great!

  2. It's cool when shopping turns into fun. I will need to go clothes and shoe shopping soon, too. For a change I am looking forward to it. I might even buy a dress or a skirt. Haven't worn either in forever and I am excited to at least try on some.

    Today is your weigh in, so good luck! :)

  3. You look great!! Feels pretty damn good to get into those smaller sizes, ehh? Love the hair too! You're so lucky to be able to wear it curly or straight. My hair does not take curls very well :( You look FABulous!

  4. I went shopping this week, too. I got into a couple of medium shirts. WOW! You are looking great...keep up what you're doing - it's working!

  5. YEAH!!! Mrs beautiful!!! You are looking so awesome and so pretty and so much more. Isn't wearing those smaller sizes amazing? I love it too.
    Take care and have a great day today. God Bless!!

  6. It is nice to wear an XL instead of a 3 and 4x like I was. New follower here, hope you can stop by my blog!

  7. Oh, I remember thos 5x shirts. I kept one as a reminder. It's nice to have more variety in what you wear rather than just tshirts.

    I personally am jealous of the naturally straight has as mine just hangs on one strait mass. To each his own...

  8. I love shopping these days. It is so much fun to shop in a store rather than having to special order things from a catalog, the way I used to. I love to be able to go into a dressing room and try something on and have it fit. Good for you on the NSV.:)

  9. Isn't it great to shop in the "normal" women's section as I call it?

  10. Congratulations, I know how great it feels when you can start to wear "normal" size clothes. You cracked me up when you said you even bought shorts. I would not wear shorts and always wore capri pants in the summer. My husband kept telling me I should wear shorts, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. I broke down and got a couple pair of shorts during my latest Goodwill shopping spree. I'm wearing them at home, not sure if I have the guts to wear them in public.


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