Sunday, May 8, 2011

Sadness didn't affect eating, but it affected activity...and that needs to end TODAY...with 2 lbs lost...on Mother's Day...which is day 90 of Phase 5

Tanita-san: 201.4

Loss for the week for blog stats purposes (see left sidebar, scroll down, for my weigh-ins) is 2 lbs . For Phase 5 (which required rounding up or down), it would have been 3 lbs (as last week was 204, this would have been 201 rounded down).

I didn't exercise as much this week. After hearing about my sis health issue, I just turned into a couch slug for a couple days. Well, one was to rest my sore muscles. Yesterday was just...lethargy. Mood affects energy, for sure.

But told hubby we're play-walking today. I am not gonna let sadness put me back in inert mode.

I am still thrilled I didn't stress or emo-eat. But I can't let stress or emo-sloth get to me, either. That is caving to circumstances, which is part of what got me morbidly obese to begin with. Reacting, not acting.

I had hoped to be at or under 200 by today. Now, I plan to be in Onederland by next weigh-in. May God speed me on toward my goal...

Quickie Almost Announcement: Since Phase 5 ends in a month, Debbi and I want to continue our weight loss journey with a continuing challenge type thing. It won't be something overly strict, but we do want the people who join in to be serious about wanting to change for the healthier and be willing to do weigh-ins for accountability. Debbi is willing to keep the chart/log on a page of our progress. If you are interested in a summer challenge (though the details are yet to work out), maybe leave a comment of interest or email me (see my right sidebar for how to contact me) so we have your email in order to get back to  you when the details are set. Again, this is for folks willing to be serious with their goals. We want to be mutually encouraged by our progress....

And, finally today....

I offer a Happy Mother's Day to all the wonderful mommies out there. My mom and my hubby's, too, are gone from us. We miss them horribly and today is not as celebratory for us. It's more a day of remembering and being grateful for having been loved and nurtured well and faithfully by those who went on before us to see God's face.


  1. You seriously rock! Your weight loss has been phenomenal! You're blowing me out of the water! Keep rocking lady, I'll catch up one of these days!

  2. I'm keeping you and your sis in my prayers, Princess. All we can do when things like this happen is to do the best we can. You are doing great. I can't wait to see you in onderland next week. Hang in there. Hugs. :)

  3. Have fun play-walking!
    Playing and exercising helps with mood soooo much -
    I don't ever want to be without it now!

  4. Hope that you enjoyed your play-walk. You are melting away, congratulations!

  5. Today is not a happy day for me, either. Mom has passed and I miss her, and lost a child a while back. I DID emotional eat a bit today, but no grains, and just a tad of sugar, so all will be back to normal tomorrow. Glad you are on the downswing, still!

  6. YEAH!!!, Onederland is happening for you. I remember that day, week, month it is amazing. It is so great and I am very proud of you.
    Your upcoming challenge sounds wonderful. I am going to try Allan's phase 6 but good luck with yours and Debbi's I will be watching and learning from everyone. Soon I will be at my goal and be learning maintenance. Excited for that, scared too.
    Take care Princess and have a blessed evening.

  7. I have never done an online challenge before. I may be interested. I have a feeling you'll see 'wonderland' very soon.

  8. That was very sweet what you said today in your comment, PD. Thank you!

    I hope you were having fun with your Hubby today!

  9. Congrats on the loss! Two pounds is great. Repeat it next week and you are in Onederland! So, so close!

    Good for you for getting back to exercise. I find that exercise always improves my mood. Hope it will work for you that way, too!

  10. You are SO close to Onderland. Can't wait to celebrate with you.

    Sorry to hear about your sister. Good for you keeping emo-eating under control. That's a tough one.

    You're doing fantastic! Keep up the great work. :)

  11. Keep will make it. I'm giving P6 a go but I think continuing with a challenge is a good idea. So many of us have done well with each others help.


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