Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Phat Pilates: Cadillac Teaser at 265 and at 202 lbs...note any difference? ; )...on Day 86 of Phase 5

265 lbs back in June of 2010

202 lbs on May 4, 2011

I sure see and FEEL a difference. :)

Move your body today. Make it stronger and leaner.

Where will you be in a year? Take a pic. Compare. Surprise yourself!

Be well...


  1. Amazing, just amazing! Your legs look tiny! Keep it up, girl! You'll be in ONEderland in no time!

  2. I gave up drugs years ago, but you are my new one! A daily dose of Princess Dieter recommended for all who are dieting! That Cadillac with the handle bars is awesome. We are rollin' on the hardwood with a folded towel on our arses...but I can feel the low key one I first did yesterday. Gonnna do it ever other day..2/10 min sessions.

  3. Excellent results!
    I must say that your form was almost as perfect in the before pic, though, wouldn't you say?
    I see a nicely formed hamstring there, slimmer arms and less of a middle.
    And we can see your pretty face!

    You are a definite inspiration to me, PD. No doubt!

  4. Wow! what a should be so proud.

  5. Your progress is amazing! Keep it up!

  6. Huge difference! Very inspirational. Keep up the great work!

  7. INCREDIBLE!!! It makes an amazing difference!! Keep up the great work. I am new to your page. I hope you will follow me back on my journey also!


  8. You look fantastic and I am so impressed with your pilates skills, Wow!

  9. Dang! You look like a different person. Well done, foxy lady. ;-)

  10. YEAH!!! Such great form and strength now. I can see it in more ways then one.
    Keep up the great work Princess. I haven't done great this week. Need to get my head back in the game. Exercise wise I'm pretty good, good wise.....well not so. Tomorrow's a new day.
    Take care and God Bless!!

  11. What a difference! Great job! :)

  12. I can totally see the difference!! You look so much more toned!

  13. Congratulations!!!!!!! A blind person can see the difference. Good for you :D


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