Sunday, May 1, 2011

Phase 5 Weigh in AND What a difference a poo makes ; ) Set for more PLAYWALKING! And what's for din-din? Hmmm...

So, I had to set my alarm to weigh-in for P5, since I'm a nite owl and don't normally wake up by noon (unless I have Pilates, in which case I wake up between 10:30 and 11:00). I sent off my official rounded number to A as 204. (On my scale at 11:53 am, it was 203.8.)  2 lbs off officially for the challenge.

I went back to bed. I got up when I got up normally, and I weighed in to see what just getting my extra few hours of sleep did: 203.4 I used this number for my sidebar update.

I did my bathroom thing after that: 203.0

That would have made it 3 lbs off for P5, had I had full sleep and a poo. Snarf.

In any case, an excellent week's loss. I'm 3 lbs away from 200. I'm 4 lbs away from 100 pounds lost. Making progress.

I'm about to have some nice fresh java and ask hubby to do another round of PlayWalking with me. Tonight's chicken breast should be defrosted, and I'm gonna cajun it up, prolly. Or, if hubby wants Italian, I'll make zucchini spaghetti to go with it, a bit of spinach, mushrooms and maybe broccolini. We're gonna have a green meal.

Enjoy your Sunday, and this is a whole new week to make more weight loss and fitness progress. Let's go!


  1. Too funny. Sleep and poop. Who knew? lol Deb

  2. The topic of poo is fascinating to me! :D

    Princess, is it possible for you to contact me and give me a rough idea what your meals look like? I'm not losing it like I thought I would but perhaps I'm doing something wrong. Your losses are just incredible and I'd like to see some of those for myself. I've been too long at over 200 and I'd love to get under that by summer.
    katschi1960 at yahoo dot ca

  3. You're losing great!! You've found what works for you so stick with it!

  4. Keep it up Princess. It's working. You're doing great. 3 lbs, that's amazing and wonderful and worth it for all the work you've done.
    Take care and have a blessed and great week.

  5. The walls in my apartment are so thin,
    no doubt the neighbors think I'm partying over here.
    I can't stop laughing.
    Poo! Poo poo!
    Awesome job on the loss!

  6. Awesome loss! You have been rocking this weight loss hard!

    You've mentioned something about a fasting workout lately. I guess I missed the explanation of that. What is it? I'd be interested in checking into it.. because it really seems to be working for you.

  7. Well, well done, Princess! Great losses throughout April. It has been a stellar month. Congrats! :)

  8. You're almost there! What a good April! Congrats! Poo....LOL

  9. Im so excited for you! You are just rockin it!


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