Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Imagine this: What would you feed the person you loved above all?

There is someone you love whole-heartedly who's overweight or obese. You desperately want them to lose their excess weight; you want them to  be healthier; you want them to live long and well with energy and attractive life-force.

What would you shop for in the grocery store and then cook for them, feed them, to bring them to that place of soundness of body?

Really, think about it.

What would you feed your most precious one to help them have the best possible chance at avoiding multiple chronic illnesses, to give them every opportunity for good teeth, robust blood cells, strong bones, a vigorous heart, a clean liver, a sharp brain, glowing skin, good adrenals, sound pancreas, good muscles, creative bone marrow, sharp eyes, effective kidneys, clear lungs, elastic blood vessels, & etc.... ?

What do you serve on their meal plate? The portions and types of food and colors and cooking method and spices and calories? What beverages would you serve this immeasurably dear and beloved one?

Got a mental image of that? The shopping, the preparation, the cooking, the serving, the pouring, the sitting down to watch them eat this life-giving series of meals?

This precious person, this treasure whose life is valuable beyond measure, who deserves many good years free of avoidable, diet-related, chronic diseases and debilitation, this jewel, this glowing soul... you.

Feed YOURSELF in that loving way.

It's also your spouse or life partner. It's your children. It may be your parents and siblings. It may be your friends.

Feed THEM that way.

If it's not nourishing and sound enough for the most valuable person in the universe, then it's not good enough for YOU. Or THEM. Or me. :)

Let's use food with loving dedication and as if life depended on it...cause it does...


  1. Great post, Princess and so true. :)

  2. Hi, just found your blog and what a fantastic post!!

  3. awesome post! It's definitely something I need to keep in mind. I sometimes eat crap that I refuse to feed to my daughter. I need to treat myself with the same love. Thanks for posting this.

  4. Well said!! I am finding myself often giving my kids the stuff that I will no longer eat and have to catch myself.

  5. Great post - flawless logic!

    Food for thought, indeed...

  6. I nominated you for an award on my page, check it out when you have time :)

  7. You have a beautiful heart, Princess. ♡

  8. Yes, you are exactly right. No junk. Just real food.

  9. Really good post :)


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