Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Then....Now...To Go... some Pics and Motivational Rah-Rah-ing on Day 66 (or whatever) of Phase 5...cause Seeing Where You've Been and Where You Are Keeps You Pumped Up For Where You're Going...

278 lbs,  21 lbs less than highest weight (2008)

212 lbs (a few days ago)

Today: 211.2
To go: 51.2 lbs. Looking forward to a whole new "NOW"  when I hit goal.

My original target date for goal weight achievement was September 3, 2012. I'm feeling confident I'll make it BEFORE that date. My heart wants it to be by Christmas, so I can wear a killer holiday outfit (with a lot of Spanx to control that saggy, empty skin).

My new motto for 2011:

Eyes on the prize, heart on the target, soul on the goal!

When temptation hits today, eyes...heart...soul....GOAL.....let's NOT waver...


  1. LOOKING FABULOUS! Love your blog...very motivating!

  2. Such a difference! WOW! And you look so much happier too. Doing great, lady. Keep it up and you'll reach that goal in no time.

  3. There is such a noticeable difference wow! You are GLOWING in your second picture!

  4. OMG! You look fantastic!!! Love the comparison photos!!!

  5. You Look WONDERFUL!
    Smart, cute, kind, big-hearted..... that's you!


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