Saturday, April 16, 2011

Another drop, hoping to report 2 lbs off in tomorrow's sold out of Everyday Paleo and not in my local B&N...Sustainable Diet for Maintenance Later?...Broccoli Binge?...all on what is likely day 68 of Phase 5 (lost count)

Tanita-san= 210.6

So close to being in another "decade". Argh. Can taste it!

I rested yesterday to give my heat rash a break. Have one welt that is still crazy itchy and really pink, but I'm easing off using too much of the steroid cream. I'll grin-some and bear-it-some and see.

I was hoping EVERYDAY PALEO would be on its way to me next week, but when I went to order it (yeah, didn't preorder), it was out of stock at amazon. It was not available for Kindle or Nook. And my local B&N (I called) didn't have it.

So, I left it in my shopping cart and will order when it's back in stock. Maybe it'll have some more reviews available by then. Meanwhile, I will peruse the yummy recipes over at the EVERYDAY PALEO blog 

Hubby and I are moving towards fewer (in his case) to nearly no (in my case) grains and legumes and sugar, and Paleo/Primal/Primarian dishes fit that profile. It's easy enough for me to add some rice or potatoes or bread to his meals when he wants that, in lesser portions. I just mostly skip them altogether. And that's really easy for breakfast and lunch (as my dietitian's meal plans are quite happy with me having eggs/veggies and protein/salads for those meals.)  I do watch portions, measure, and don't go nuts with the fats.

It seems to be a sustainable diet (Primarian is what I'm doing with dietitian recommendation, /Paleo/Primal inspired sorta, but with dairy allowed as well as sugar free treats allowed), that maybe I can use on maintenance. I'm learning more and more about it NOW, cause when maintenance comes, I wanna be armed and ready. (Remember, target and weapons from that Warrior book?) I gotta get my weapons in a row.

And if a diet/eating plan is not sustainable, what's the point? If you can't KEEP eating in a way to maintain weight loss, why did we even bother to lose any weight? Right?

So, for me, I'm finding ditching most of the starch is not as onerous as I once thought it would be. (I had tried South Beach when it first came out and ATKINS shortly before, and hated doing both. I simply defaulted to a lot of processed, easy, low-carbing, and that isn't tasty). Primarian and Paleo/Primal IS tasty. This is hugely important.

It's dinner when I tend to crave starches (ya know, pasta, rice, potatoes, beans, yuca). The only starch I really miss at breakfast is oatmeal, and once in a while a nice bit of toast. Otherwise, I'm fine with veggie egg white omelettes or scrambles (or whole eggs occasionally) with fruit and java. Makes me feel good. Lotsa energy. No weird afternoon energy crashes since I ditched most (nearly all) starches.

I joke about how we don't binge on broccoli, but last night, I wanted to. I had two cups of steamed broccoli lightly sprinkled with parmesan, and it was so amazing, I wanted more and more. No, I didn't have more and more, but I WANTED TO JUST EAT buckets of the stuff. I didn't have any dessert or treat (sugar free or otherwise) last night. Just my unsweetened tea, broccoli, chicken, asparagus, and some carrot puree soup. I was happy. And happy with the scale. Yes!

Today's breakfast was my standby egg white omelette with organic spinach, mushrooms, onions and some Jarlsberg Lite Swiss and fresh papaya with squeezes of fresh lime juice, water, coffee. Satisfying.

I have leftover chicken for supper. Probably just throw some veggies next to it--maybe artichoke hearts and a broiled tomato-- or throw it on a salad. Not sure. I have it all spiced up with Shawarma spicing and may garlic it up even more. (Loooove garlic) If hubby wants a starch, he'll get some potato, likely.

I want to have a nice brisk cardio-walk with him later, when it's cooler, cause I don't wanna go another day without moving. Hopefully, the rash won't get all riled up again.

On to Sunday's weigh-in. Fingers crossed I can stay away from the sodium (that'll mess up a weigh-in but good) and report more than 1 lbs. I've lost 1.4, but I have to ROUND the number....If I lose a fifth of a pound or more by tomorrow, I can report a 2 lbs loss (rounded). And hey, if my body wants to be freaky and actually lose .6 of a pound, that'd be super. No rounding needed.

I hope your Saturday is going well and you're eating well and you're moving well and you're FEELING WELL!


  1. 210! geeze ur so close! im sorry your rash is still buggin you I have skin allergies to everything I feel your pain. Hope you and da hubbs have a great walk!

  2. I get heat rashes in mid summer. I use powder to ease the irritation and hydrocortisone cream. I know how terrible they are.
    I hope the scale say 20? for you tomorrow. You've done so great. Keep it up my friend. Take care and God Bless!!

  3. Any particular reason why you don't eat whole eggs all the time? I don't remember ever reading any of the Paleo people recommending eating just the whites. Yolk is the nutritious part of the egg, it's a shame to skip it.

  4. It's funny how the diets tweak and modify!
    I never followed a plan PER SE.....

    As time goes by, I am sure you will find just what
    works.... And even that will change as time goes by.

    You are rocking the scale - at any rate!
    And thanks for your happy comments and support
    on my blog.... you've always been good to me, PD.
    And I thank you! You motivate me, as well!

  5. I totally get the binging on broccoli. I know what you mean by not missing the pasta and rice. Tonight I am making a meal that would normally be smothered over noodles or rice (I'm making penne for the family), but I'm going to make steamed broccoli for me to smother it over. I still get the numminess of the saucy chicken but without all the carbs. The pasta is really just the carrier for the sauce, right? Broccoli is mine. :-)

    What I don't like about atkins or southbeach is the fact that you can't have ANY carbs. This way, you certainly can (and should) enjoy a piece of toast or have oatmeal in the morning but skipping the rice and pasta is a great idea! We so have to get together for dinner, it sounds like we eat the same too! :-)

    Scale was up a pound but no way did I eat enough to actually gain a pound, I'm hoping it's from "puffy month". Next week , we're both in a new decade! I just know it!


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