Saturday, April 23, 2011

And off I go to celebrate a miracle....on day 75 of Phase 5 (a rare no-rambling post, Lord be Praised!)

My reported official loss for this week's challenge (reported today, a day early, cause tomorrow is WAY WAY BUSY) is 4 pounds.

Biggest weekly lbs-off I've had since October. Hooray and whoohoo.

I won't be rambling on today, as I have a zillion things to do and not a whole lotta hours in which to do it. :)

I'm gonna celebrate that death doesn't get the last laugh and sin doesn't win. That's what we Christians are all jolly and sing-y about tomorrow. Victory over death, overcoming evil, defeating sin...sacrifice and resurrection. New life. Hope. Glory. All those great things.

All of you (and me) fighting the fat and sloth and gluttony and bad habits...we're fighting death to get to life. It's worth it. Always.

I pray a blessing over all who read this. May your weekend be holy, full of love, full of joy, and may the food at your feasts be wholesome and life-strengthening.

Let's all be made whole and new....

Later, my lovelies. I will see ya'll on Monday....


  1. A blessed weekend to you too, Princess. I'm so happy for your with your success this week. You are on a roll and I hope it doesn't stop until you get to your goal. Hugs. :)

  2. Well, that's a fantastic loss! Congratulations.

  3. I hope you and yours have a beautiful Easter!

  4. Happy Easter!

    It was pretty fascinating to see his possible burial/resurrection sites on our recent trip. Regardless of who is correct, the history was amazing and much more real and meaningful now.

  5. HAPPY EASTER Princess and family. YEAH!!! on the 4lbs. That is excellent. Is that from the new exercise plan or did you changet your eating habits too? We'll chat next week. Just have a blessed Easter.
    Take care my friend.

  6. Sweet!!! Awesome job! Happy Easter!

  7. Happy Easter! Thank you for the lovely comment!

    4 lbs is TREMENDOUS! Good for you :D

    I think everyone can find clothes that flatter their body shape though! There are some clothes that look atrocious on me (butterfly sleeves, loose fitting tops) but I think the important thing is to take pictures in the dressing room and stare at them from all angles before buying! There are SO many clothes that look great on the rack then I put it on, and they are horrifyingly bad.


  8. Happy Belated Easter - & all I can say is WOW! you are burning things up these days...

    I am ever so happy for you; it's nice just to bask in your glory from afar.

    I would like to sign up for the next challenge, but too afraid about catching crap - I have been teetering on the edge of this plateau of mine for ONE SOLID YEAR now; my body seems to hold on to every ounce of avoirdupois it can since I've lost my thyroid...


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