Wednesday, March 30, 2011

To Fellow Fatfighting Bloggers: Please Don't Just Go Away....Tell Us How Come or Say Goodbye...maybe...

I understand that bloggers need to take breaks. Sometimes for a while. Like sabbaticals. :) As long as you tell us that, it's cool. Everyone has things in their life and some things more demanding, some stages of life more harried. Or you just lose interest in blogging. I sometimes do.

But if you really plan to go away, please, give us a valediction. A farewell post letting us know you recognized you had people who read you, kept up with you, followed you, cared about you, supported you even...and that you want to say adios to us.

It really kinda hurts when folks just disappear without a fare-thee-well. It makes me, as a regular reader, feel...disposable. It's a bit disorienting. Sometimes, it's really worrisome, cause you wonder if they got badly ill or are in comas or something. I mean, okay, it's probably that they got sick of dieting or are regaining and embarrassed about it. BUT...I'm neurotic, so maybe it's just ME thinking that it's the really bad things...Sometimes, I wonder if they..well..died. (Oh, gosh, I hated typing that. But it does cross my mind. People do have mishaps, accidents, disasters, sudden illnesses that are terminal.)

Hopefully, it's just they got tired of blogging.

Anyway, here are a few bloggers who just...went away. And I worried about it...and I miss them:

Midori, Mighty Warrior
Journeying to Lose 200 Pounds... The Triumph of Perseverance

And to some extent, this one:

(Though we know she got injured and needed to recover...but...the weekly update schedule wasn't kept to, so of course, we worry, right?)
Anyway, for some reason, these MIA bloggers--one case of a deleted blog--were on my mind.
Have you had bloggers go silent on you or delete their blog without notice? Miss them? Worry?

UPDATE: Got a note from Chubby McGee. For those of you who miss her since she went private, she's doing great and is very, very close to ONEDERLAND. So, hooray for her!


  1. I worry about The Woman Inside Me too!!! I keep wondering why she hasn't been back to post.

    I told Hubs that if anything should ever happen to me that he'd have to post it on the blog.

  2. I don't know any of the people you mentioned, Princess but there is another person who went private that I was very attached to. I wonder all the time about how she is doing.

  3. I dunno if you mean Chubby McGee, but I was sorry to see her go private. :(

  4. Yes, I miss Corletta who just went missing one day. She was a great source of inspiration to me. I know things had become very very busy for her, but she just inspired me to keep going and to never give up. But I have people in my weight loss group who just disappear one week and never come back. I've learned to let it roll on by. We all make choices.

  5. I agree I understand that life happends but if you know your quitting its nice to let your support know and at least thank them for being there for you....When they ditch it feels like well im done dont need you now.

  6. As a long time blogger I have fallen off the face of the earth many times - I have also written long farewell blogs only to re-emerge a few months later :-) I'm fortunate, though, that most of my core readers are on Facebook with me so even if I take a blog break they know where to find it me. It's terrible wondering where someone went and what happened...

  7. Sometimes it's a double edge sword with a blog ya' know. It's no fun to have a blog that is dedicated to weight loss and then roll back some on your goals. I PROMISE I will not stop posting because my blog friends are like family.

    It's hard to come back after leaving too. I went silent for about 3 months. It started because I was busy and couldn't post. Then it became a drudgery even thinking about trying to catch readers up on all the crud causing me not to post. The thing that got me back though was deciding to be accountable to myself and I stopped trying to play catch up.

    I am not a follower of these bloggers but if you hear from them, make sure you let everyone who reads you know so we can show the love. Knowing you are missed helps.

    Starting At 500 Pounds

  8. Chubby Chick will eventually come back. She's had a lot happen and has had to put blogging on the back back burner. I know she is coming back. Don't give up on her yet.

  9. I agree...I always wonder if something bad happened but i too am bad about not getting to posting..i've been trying to put something up weekly since i found that daily was not me even though i love reading some of you all. Please even if you fall off the wt loss train keep blogging.....i love reading about your doings....the rant on Allans comments today was so on target on what is bad in reality......hurt feelings because you someone calls you out for not doing what you say you will....nothing compared to what some have to deal with. Now with that said, I will have limited computer access for the next 2-3 weeks.....may be catching up on your blog after tax day.

  10. I agree! I get quite attached to my blogger peeps. They are my friends. It does worry me when someone stops posting. So much so that I hunt down a comment that they left on my blog and attempt to send them an email to check on them! Really I'm NOT a stalker....though, that kinda sounds stalkerish! :)

  11. I do the same thing. I go back and check on them from time to time and worry about their health.

    Hopefully all is ok and they are just busy with life. :)

  12. I worry, too, PD, IF the person has been down in the dumps or otherwise having problems before they disappear. I worry about depression a lot with people who have difficulties with food and weight. They truly can hurt themselves, or have a heart attack, or whatever. Otherwise, I figure they either got bored or moved on.

    If someone gains weight, I wish they'd still come back. We'll be supportive and understand. We've all been there, and wouldn't want to abandon those who wouldn't abandoned us, you know?

  13. I once quit blogging - for the wrong reasons....
    then I started again - for the right reasons......
    But I never went off plan.....
    People come and go like in Wicked around Blogland...
    Some people I miss soo much!
    Come out, come out - where ever you are!!!

  14. I'm with you; I worry a lot too. The sad thing is, some bloggers have died and no one could get onto their blog to let everyone know. Lyn over at Escape From Obesity made a memorial page for one, and she told us when a diff. lady passed. So sad...

    I haven't been as up on my blogs since the surgery so I didn't even know Chubby McGee went private until I saw your post. I love her; this makes me really sad. I don't even have her email. Did she warn anyone she was going private?

  15. I've seen some bloggers where they passed on and a friend/family member put up a post to say so. I remember the fatfighting blogger who got killed with her husband in a vehicular accident. :( And yes, Bethany's Memorial blog..I'm on it. Remember that. Chubby DID mention she was going private....I can't remember how long, a day or two...then it went dark.

  16. Journeying to Lose 200 Pounds... The Triumph of Perseverance was one of the first blogs that I followed. I've always wondered what happened to her. I have had others go away too, one just gave up her weight loss blog, but continued with another blog that she had been doing for years. Others just seem to fade away and yeah, I worry and wonder too.

  17. MY neighbors came by one night..... standing in my living room..... O had fallen asleep on the couch..... they thought I was dead...... killed myself..... I woke up..... "NOoooooo......I am still alive damnit!!!!! So what's a nurse to do??? Better blog about it!


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