Saturday, February 5, 2011

Not day 35 of the P4 Challenge: Grand Prize revealed--whoa--and a great date night, nice dinner out, another loss...and official P5 weigh-in!

Such a lot of laughing and flirting and fun last night. Hilarious round of WWDTM (see previous post) and then dinner at the Hallandale race track, a restaurant with really nice patio areas and some live music/dancing. I stayed safe (grilled chicken with BBQ sauce and salad, used less than a teaspoon of dressing, decaf, water, water, water). Sang along with the band. Flirted even more with hubby. Walked a bit. Had a great date night.

I knew we'd be eating out, but thought we might make it to the Mi-Mo place with the killer veggies. But we didn't get out of the Opera house until almost 11pm, so we headed back nearer home and places open late. Worked out fine.

Weighed in today: 224.6

This is the official Phase 5 weigh-in I mailed to Allan. Down again from yesterday, which was 225.2.

See pic of my feet (red toes! Did them for date night! Much easier to do nails without the extra-deluxe-uber-behemoth belly I used to have) on my Tanita-san. I weighed several times, and came up with 224.4, 224.2, 224.6, 224.4, etc. I went with the higher one (which only came up with the camera weight added, but so's my habit to always take the higher weight of the series. Usually, it's consistent, today, I was more variable cause I had to move the scale to get better light on my feet and the numbers.

I was amused at haing my feet closer together. I bought Tanita-san years ago, cause I needed a wide, wide platform. My fat thighs didn't much let me get my legs closer together. This pic showed me how much comfier and natural it is now to bring my feet closer in. :)

Did you see Allan's blog today? (That is, for those who didn't get the email from him.) Taht's an amazing prize, huh? A beautiful dining spot, a delirious view. The hotel, the spa....Wow.... Someone is in for a treat.

But we know what the biggest, hugest, grandest prize of all is in this Challenge (and any weight loss challenge). Gaining health, getting to goal, reducing the risk (or healing from) metabolic issues like diabetes, improving cardiac health, gaining muscle and balance and strength, and finally learning to eat like a normal healthy person in order to eat that way FOR LIFE.... That's the BIG WIN!

We can't all get the Grand Prize. from Allan. We can get the Grandest of All Prize for ourselves if we stick with the program, move, eat smart and clean and LESS, and learn the daily strategies to make it stick.

Let's all be grand prize champions in this fat fight! Happy Saturday!


  1. I just got the email and am glad that I just did my toes too! I'll take my picture tomorrow morning and post it. My scale has been extremely stubborn this week even though I FEEL like inches have been lost. Seriously, if it wasn't for the challenge, I would toss the scale out the window and just eat my 1200 calories, drink and exercise. The scale, in my opinion, just gets in the way and frustrates me!

    I wish you well in the challenge! All of us who successfully lose weight will be winners!

  2. Good luck with Allan's phase 5. May you keep losing as well as you've been and though I don't know how you can get much more beautiful keep it up.
    take care and God Bless!!

  3. I'm glad you are joining the new challenge. That is great. I think someone will be very lucky to win that grand prize or any of the other prizes. I wish you the best. :)

  4. Look at you melting away. Awesome!
    Good luck with the new challenge. That's quite a prize but I have to agree that the best prize is your health and happiness.


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