Sunday, February 13, 2011

Day 7 of Phase 5 Challenge: The Christian Princess amidst the Hasidim Families on the Weekend of Love Pic, A Dearth of Teal for Big Gals, my V-Day Present (not what you'd think)....and not much else to report...other than it's nice not to feel Food F**kery!

Hubby took a pic of me last night at Jerusalem Restaurant. It's a kosher place where a lot of orthodox and Hasidic Jewish families go to eat Middle Eastern, Italian (including really good kosher pizza) stuff. Since they do dairy, no meat natch. But you can get assorted salads and things that I don't order there (knishes, the "pareve" fakey meats, etc). We went Saturday evenings (about 10pm) and the post-Sabbath crowd was there. (They get busy when they open after sundown.)

We were the only non-Jewish folks there last night, and Charles got some looks from the very young boys (with the  forelocks and yarmulkes) cause he didn't have his hair covered. The wives wear the wigs, and all the females wear sleeves and long skirts. I'm used to it. My brother lived in Brooklyn where there is a large, large community of Jews who keep traditional garb and kosher. And I've eaten at this Kosher place since hubby and I were newlyweds (and seen ownership change hands a lot, with quality bobbling from excellent when we started going to not-so-good to okay and around again).

One guy sported one of those impressive big fur hats (I don't know what critter the fur came from, and PETA would have a conniption, but it is beautiful fur, dark brown and silky, like the one in THIS PIC, only darker and prettier, really, as if it was new and a really good critter died for it) and a satiny overcoat with a black-on-black pattern.

(There was this place I used to love going to, a kosher Mexican place 5 minutes' drive away--though they are no longer kosher and we've stopped going since the quality went downhill--where you could get meat, but not dairy, so it was soya "cheese" and "sour cream" on the tacos/fajitas/burritos/etc. But the stuff was delicious and the meat so nice. One time we went during Hanukkah and got free one of those jelly donut things from a traveling group of Hasidim driving a HUGE HUGE mennorah with electrified "flames" lit up to the appropriate day. Loved those jelly donuts! And the good cheer. Everyone was celebratory.)

I must look like a total Jezebel ho to them with my decolletage and red lipstick and snug jeans, but really, I'm not. I'm a good girl. :) Here's one of the pics hubster took:

I was clearly having a good day, yes? And how much do I love this teal color?? One of my fave colors ever, but hard for me to find stuff that fits me in this color. Hard to find this color, period. (Edited to add: I notice uploaded on my 'puter, it looks less teal and more royal blue. it. Rich color and with my almost black hair, it's killing it!)

And here's my Valentine's Day gift from hubby:

Yep. He got his hair highlighted. He has (naturally) dark kinda-mousy blonde with silver (age will do this). He once gave me his hair all blonded up (golden wow-factor blonde) in 2007 as an anniversary gift. Big surprise. I loved it. He got oodles of compliments. Strangers gave him the eye; one woman at the airport told him he was very handsome. He didn't get that attention with dark/mousy blonde. People are weird. He's always been hot!  Heh. He let it go natural for a spell. Yesterday, he came come lightened up. I love it. He's got the Germanic/Hungarian pink-cheeked coloring and hazel eyes to carry off blonde.

Now my hair's darker, his is lighter....nice contrast, yes?

Okay, it's date I gotta go get ready. It's nice to feel not "out of control". The hunger of a couple days ago has taken another vacation. I was at my brother's yesterday, and was able to eat maximum 250 cals even with much temptation (rice and beans, pumpkin soup, bread and butter, chocolate). I took fruit, my snacks, and just ate the lean protein available. Made my own decaf and decaf green tea. Went fine. :)

Wishing you a really beautiful Sunday free of FF and full of cheer and health and good company (cause love is a lot more than just romantic love). Valentine's Day is for lovers and those who are loved in all sorts of ways... imo. Enjoy it!


  1. You look so pretty in that pic! Rock it, gal!

  2. BEAUTIFUL!!! That's you. I love that picture. The sweater if the perfect color for you. Date night sounds wonderful. That's something my hubby would never do. A breakfast out on Sunday morning is about as good as a date time will be. Oh well, 30 years and counting, not going to change him now.
    Take care and Happy Valentine's to you!! God Bless!!

  3. What a GREAT gift from your husband! That is such fun, his hair looks great. Heck, I'd like to have hair that colour.

    I've never seen a hat like that before! And there is a large contingency of Hasidic Jewish folks here in London. That's quite an attention grabbing hat.

    You are right, that colour is excellent on you. What fun you two have together, it's so lovely to read about.

    And lol, now I'm going to have the image of a huge menorah car with jelly donuts and travelling Hasidic That's quite a set up, there it is. Is there any significance to the jelly donuts?!

    PS - this is totally an aside but in Cuban culture is it generally acceptable or common or whatever for males to whistle and/or shout out compliments of attraction to females in public places? You know what I mean? I'm not saying it very well. Just wondering for no particular reason but I keep on wondering it so I thought I'd ask.


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