Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Day 30 of Phase 4 Challenge: Where I'm back after just not feeling the blogging mojo, where salt is siren calling, where I distract myself with hot J-Rock , and where I offer pics of my weekend outings and my body at 226!!

Tanita-san: 226.2

A bit of stasis.

I've been hitting the salty foods a lot since Saturday evening, and it always has this effect. Affects the scale. Affects appetite: yeah, it does. Don't know about you, but when I have multiple salty things, I get HUNGRIER, so it's time to ease back and fast. I was VERY VERY VERY hungry last night, and I didn't like that at all. It was hard to say no. I was in a fight for hours with my appetite.

Calories: 1273
Exercise: Pilates with trainer, walking (25 mins)
Mood: still lethargic, energy a bit low
Hunger:Crazy later in the day (but higher than last week all weekend)

I am not happy that the appetite is back, but I'll hit the decaf tea and coffee and keep the tummy warm and filled as best I can until the low appetite returns.

Energy was great Saturday and Sunday for parts of the day (low on others), but yesterday I woke up feeling like I needed more sleep. (And I have been sleeping more, 10 and 12 hours sometimes). Usually I'd think thyroid...but I'm pretty sure it's not that. We'll see.

Today, I woke up after sleeping 11 hours, and I'm mellow. Hunger has been quieter. Don't feel like exercising....but I'll do something. Will force myself.

I've had to distract my appetite. Here's one example of a distraction:

If you like anime, you may recognize the song as the opening theme for TRINITY BLOOD. It's one of my fave J-Rock tunes, originally released 1993 by Buck-Tick, whose lead singer, Sakarai Atsushi is one of the most beautiful J-Rockers ever, and he's not young anymore in this video. The band began in the early 80s. This is actually footage from an Abingdon Boys School concert, one of my fave JRock bands, and Takanori (lead singer) has a great voice. But no one sings "Doresu"(DRESS) like Sakurai-san. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.  Love this performance. Gave me chills!

If ya wanna see a nice performance when he was younger and had the long, flowing, black, silky hair ....here ya go.   So beautiful. Makes me woozy.

The weekend was great, btw. Hubby and I had a date night both evenings, Saturday  in Coral Gables. Since I needed to get in a walk--well, I had done more than my minimum 4 days walking, but wanted to do more--so we walked 30 minutes (we both wore sneakers, so it was fine) before choosing an outdoor cafe for supper.

Sunday, we went to Bayside at the MiaMarina, took a night sightseeing cruise (it was soo nice and cool), danced to a live band at the bayfront, then had supper at Hard Rock Cafe. I appreciated the waitress being so nice about my specs--you know the drill if you low-carb or diet: little to no oil, dressing on side, no tortillas, etc. Lots of decaf and water. We walked a lot there, too, as parking was at the other end from where Hard Rock. Probably 20 mins of walking.

Interesting personal note: Where HRC is now used to be, in the early 80s, an upscale eatery called Reflections on the Bay. Hubby and I got engaged there in '82. We told the hostess and she got us a table at windowside (the only one!) and we had a view of the bay a bit different (Bayside wasn't the bustling tourist/nightlife place it is now) from our younger dating days. But it was romantic all the same. Reflections on the Bay had large windows all with views out to the water....so nice.... Gosh, time flies....

Pics: First one, with very unflattering lighting, eesh, is a couple feet from where we sat outdoors for dinner with Coral Gables city hall lit up prettily behind me. We had a nice view of the sky, city hall, the one end of Miracle Mile with posh shops and lovely lights in the trees. It was damp and cool, but not unplesantly so.

One of Jimi Hendrix's surviving guitars (I guess a lot of them got immolated or shattered, hah.) Hard Rock Cafe on Sunday, natch:

I took body shots today, caue though the scale is the same as Friday, I "felt" different in the torso:

Hubby said to me on our date Sunday that he didn't think I looked as big as "226" lbs. Well, folks don't go around saying how much they weight to me to compare, but this is 226 on me. I wear 2x, some generous 1x, 20 and 22 sizes, and I've noticed some folks who weigh a lot more than me wear smaller sizes. So, you never know. Build matters.

Now to google if Genmaicha has carbs...cause I like it's grainy flavor. I like it enough to drink unsweetened, which is great. The box says no, but man, it really tastes like nuttry-grain. Mmm.

Off I go to resist the Demon of Sodium....

Happy Tuesday. Make it count for health!


  1. That was a nice romantic dinner you had. The restaurant were Dail proposed to me has been torn down. It was so sad as it had been my favorite restaurant around here. Keep battling the demon. :)

  2. You may know this already, but I'll add it as a reminder. ^^ Muscles have higher density than fat, so with exercise your weight loss in scale numbers may slow down while you're still losing inches.

    (They also burn more calories just lying around, that's extra nice.)

  3. I didn't realise that salt stimulates appetite - I've been really heavy on the salt the last few days. I crave it so very badly.

    What lovely nights out, sounds so relaxing and pleasant.

    And the shot with the guitar looks fab! What a great photo, the happiness is evident.

    I can tell with the new photos, you definitely look trimmer all around and at 224 I was wearing an 18/20 but my legs and arms were much fatter than yours are in these photos, you probably look much better in your skinny cut jeans than I did due to my bigger legs.

    I can't remember, how tall are you?

  4. How fun is this? Going back to the same place - sorta....
    Most people I know can't keep a relationship 20 months...
    Much less since '82!
    You look great - so happy!
    Love that....
    Just love it!

  5. I' 5'6", Beth. And I'm an apple, so I hold a lot of fat in the middle, while I can have slimmer legs and forearms. Even at 130 lbs at age 14, I had a poochy tummy and skinny legs. I never liked that architecture. ....My sisters have better distributed bodies...


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