Sunday, February 27, 2011

Day 21 of P5: Shaking and wanting to puke cause I got all inspired by ONE OUTS....kick-butt baseball anime

Scale's the same.

I just did some working out and can barely type. My body is all shaking, blood pumping, and I'm a tad nauseous. Urp.

Did some of my Jackie Warner workout DVD , followed by some Dance Central on Kinect (Ride the train, come on, ride the train...)  I kept moving for 30 mins and pushed, pushed.

I may have pushed too much. Urp again.

Hubby and I watched ONE OUTS (new to us, though it's a couple years old anime-wise). Baseball anime. Not the comedic school one like BIG WINDUP! and not poignantly sweet and youthful like CROSS GAME. This one has a seriously testosterone-drenched couple of players and a really cool hottie of the "maverick with the spiky dyed blond hair and sly eyes" kind who wins every time. Of course, he's recruited (in a very cool seedy way by an uber-prideful and competent pro player) and is now a player for a team (instead of his moneymaking night gambling ventures). But he still manages to outmaneuver even the snobby team owner/CEO dude. Love it.

Oh, really, I will puke, methinks. Whoa..dizzy.

All these "we will do it no matter what" animes have been part of my way to motivate myself to stay in the Phase 5 mindset. Get it done! Don't give up! See the goal! Move toward it!

I will try not to overdo, though. I am a fat, middle-aged gal with medical issues, not a young turk with sexy-sly eyes and a killer-lean physique (ie Toua, the main character):

I really dig this song used in the opening credit sequence--Pay Money to My Pain, Bury. Gonna find and iTouch it.

I hope you keep your motivation flowing this weekend.

Keep going.



  1. Oh, yeah, I'm keeping the motivation flowing!!! Hope you're feeling better. If you're going to push yourself that much during a workout, you should drink some Powerade during and after ... gets those electrolytes back. That was recommended to me by a personal trainer I had at the gym several years ago. They have one that has zero calories.

  2. I love this cheesy line from Galaxy Quest -- "Never give up, never surrender!" This has become my mantra.

  3. Interesting song and graphics...stronger once again!
    Princess.... you are aptly named!!!!!!!!!1


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