Monday, February 7, 2011

Day 1 of Phase 5: Where I'm Still Itchy and Spotty, Where Pilates and Walking are Done, and Where I'm Liking the Phase 5 Challenger Motivation and Cheer!

It's on! It's begun. 1200 calories of balanced eating, strength and cardio exercises 6x a week, and being accountable to weigh-in once  a week.

Challengers seem a lot more motivated than the previous phases. We've already started email supportive activity. Hurray!

I want to start a new blogroll with challenger blogs so I can check in now and then with my other P5 Peops. P-Fivers. :D Some time this week I'll start putting that together.

Did Pilates today. Did my walking. Knees weren't so cooperative with the jogging part. Geesh.

I've only had 450 calories (rounded) so far, so I have plenty for supper and a night snackie (I am addicted to my yogurt/fruit/nut snack). I've had more than half my water, and will have the rest before/during/after supper, and maybe leave one glass to have with my snackie.

My legs and arms and chest and hairline still have the itchy red bumps. I wore long leggings to walk just in case.

It's just the first day, and it's easy to be pumped the first day of a new challenge phase. Let's keep the momentum and faith in ourselves going. Let's see this as a good first step to lifelong habits of controlled eating and consistent movement.  Let's not drop out..not a single one of us! If someone falters, let's cheer them back up. If someone slow down, let's get some wind at their back. Keep me going....and you keep going.....

Happy Monday!


  1. Love your enthusiasm! I am a 1st time P'er lol

  2. Day one, 2-180, will match this and be just as awesome. Keep up the great work my dear. I know you can do this. Rock on!!
    Take care and have a blessed evening.

  3. glad you had an awesome day!! Hope you are not itchy tomorrow!

  4. The Itchy and Scratchy Show from The Simpsons!
    Get un-itchified soon!

  5. Yay! Love the enthusiasm and the support is so imortant, it can make such a difference. Good luck one and all!

    Won't be long till I'll see the big 80 on your weight loss ticker...

  6. I did a pilates DVD last night - well ok not all of it. It's hard! I'm a wimp! LOL I'll keep trying, but I'm thinking walking is still my best best along with weights!

    I also wanted to let you know that I changed my blog URL. Was told it would redirect everyone correctly and it doesn't seem to be doing that. I'd love to keep you with me as we do this weight loss thing! My new URL is Sorry for the inconvenience!


  7. Yeah the support is very important and its nice to get it from people who understand. My strong man husband just doesn't ever limit his calories... thank you all for the support and Way to go on your activity!!


Thank you for visiting and adding your comment. Because of horrible spammers, only "registered users" may comment. Sorry. I had to remove the crazy captcha, and this is the compromise. ~~~I always appreciate support from kind folks. If you have nothing constructive or supportive to add, please move along to another blog. Life is short and I do not need the aggravation. The journey is hard enough. Do not make mine harder! THANKS...and God bless you big time as you progress on your own path to better health and a happier life!