Friday, January 14, 2011

Day 12 of P4: Consult with Dietitian, Herbes de Provence is a fun seasoning, Overcast day But Sunnier Mood...and yesterday's challenge particulars...

Scale: not budging.


Calories: 1253
Exercise: 55 mins Pilates, 25 minute walk
Water: met
Mood: weepy and "off" early in the day; better after the relaxing walk; some irritability with hunger in the early eveing; much better in the evening watching the new animes with hubster


Meeting with Dietitian: Pleasant. Nice gal. I took the Challenge packet, told her about teh 1200 calories and what we were doing exercise-wise, etc. She reviewed my eating log (I printed out my SparkPeople food log). We discussed my medical conditions and what foods I had to avoid (ie, allergies). She talked about weight stalls (ie, not using the P word cause Allan is not liking it, heh).  She discussed my new plan (very similar to the packet one, naturally, since you have to get standard  nutrition out of 1200 calories, but she did change the macronutrient ratio for my Metabolic Syndrome), and made my folder for me. Of course, she weighed me (2.5 lbs more than at home, which is likely the jeans/shirt/jewelry/undies/bit of water I had). And she calculated BMI, got my fat % from some doohickey.

We'll meet again next Friday.

She did say that with her clients, reaching a point where the body just hangs on and hangs on can happen, and it's frustrating. For some clients, she tweaks the macronutrients, for others she counsels staying the course a bit longer before making changes. In my case, she strongly felt the packet plan was NOT individualized enough for my medical conditions and that it would suit me to tweak it a bit. We'll see.

It's still in the 1200 calories range--she said she doesn't usually make this restrictive a diet for her clients, but understands that I have particular goals, a challenge, etc. She was fine with the water intake and happy to hear the level was adjusted with losses.

We discussed my vitamin/supplements intake, too, and then made an appt for next week.

Afterwards, I did my shopping (fresh produce, roast turkey breat, yogurt, eggs, etc). Came home to my water and meal. I had lovely just rotisseried turkey breast--and don't have to cook tonight, as there's enough for hubby to have for supper--with a pretty salad (orange peppers, 3 baby carrots the same color as the peppers, romaine, cucumbers, red wine vinegar, 1 tsp EVOO, sprinkling of Herbes de Provence). Tea. Water.

I had never put HdP on my salad (usually oregano or basil or just pepper or parmesan). I rarely have had it. My sister is hooked on it and I've eaten chicken or turkey or other stuff she's used it on for family gatherings. But on a salad--that was just  whim to perk it up.

It's interesting. Every now and then I'd chew something that tasted like, what, fennel or anise, and then I'd chew a bit that tasted flowery. I'm not sure what goes into HdP--gotta look it up--but it was nice on top of a salad. Kind of whimsical and playful, even, all these bits of uncommon flavor (for me) coming through.

It's not as nice today for a walk--kept looking like rain--but I'm gonna put my sneakers on and get some movement in before the light is gone. Gets dark early in winter, yeah...

It's Friday. Enjoy it! Enjoy all the weekend with loved ones and healthful meals...and some movement! 



  1. Yay! You sound so much lighter in your mood, I hope that the upward trend continues, low moods are so very difficult to contend with.

    Wow to the scales. That is very puzzling indeed. I thought you were going to weigh once a week? I am curious as to why the daily weigh-ins? That would make me as nutty as a fruitcake. Weekly weigh-ins are treacherous enough for me!

    Sounds like a good meeting with the nutritionist. I think it was worth a review from one given your medical issues and hopefully reassuring. Also, checking in with her again next week will help to mitigate concerns or at least I know it would for me.

    I love HDP but have mainly used it on Chicken, and not in a long time, I must buy some though. Never had it on a salad, that sounds quite yummy. Might give it a try. I love any calorie-free yummies.

  2. Yep. I was. The daily now is cause I need, need, need to know when the stall breaks. I'm looking forward to it like I do that first cuppa coffee. :D

  3. HdP?
    Sounds good - where can I get me some!?

  4. Any market that has a good spice section. :D

  5. I see a naturopath. I suspect she says the same types of things as your nutritionist, plus acupuncture and it's a little more whole food friendly. In Ontario it is hard to find a nutritionist with a doctor's referral. No longer covered by insurance, so it made more sense to go with a more comprehensive practitioner.

    Good luck with the stall. I have low thyroid function, I know it can be frustrating. It's all related to chemo years ago, but this is my left over struggle that is better than cancer. So I roll with it.

    I'm on Allan's challenge too. The walking has been easier since I gave in and started driving to the local indoor track, especially in a foot of snow!

  6. I'm glad the meeting went well and that she tweaked the plan to suit your particular needs. That is always an advantage. I'm sorry your day started badly but glad it is ending on a better note. Hang in there and take care!

  7. I love herbs de provence!! Sending positive vibes your way for a loss soon.

  8. Princess, I was stuck at the same weight for over four weeks. Made me crazy!! What apparently finally worked for me was to add interval training to my exercise routine. I could not get the scale to move until I added some "hard and fast as you can" moves to my already strenous workout. While losing weight is still hard, at least the scale is moving a little, and for that I am so thankful.

    I also found I have to weigh myself once a week instead of daily. The ups and downs on the scale were killing me. Now, I follow the plan, do my best, and jump on the scale on the weekend. You have to do what works for you, but you may want to consider mixing up the exercise a bit.

    Good luck, and visualize sunshine.

  9. Ah, yes, that first cup of coffee... working at it. ^^

    Your nutritionist sounds like a clever girl.

    And now good look with that weight thing! I'm sure things will change for the better soon...

  10. Good LUCK of course. Stupid sleepy brain. *lol*

  11. Great update~I see you are in the 230's. GO GIRL! I so wanna be where you are...


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