Thursday, December 9, 2010

Day 3 Spawn of SoDDD Challenge: Finally a wee drop, shivering in Miami AM, ready for Pilates, and need to get more fiber!

Tanita-san said good morning with this: 240.2

Okay, minor drop given my caloric intake. :) But a drop.

It's chilly for Miami. I a nudie-sleeper have had to sleep with two t-shirts the last three nights. Hubby has gone to bed wearing three layers, including a hoodie--with the hood UP--and sheets, blankets on top. We can't (and won't) put the heat on cause I fear it might spur allergies. We have never used the heater in any place we've lived, not in 27 years. Not starting now.

I like not sweating. Yay.

Got Pilates in an hour, so I gotta shower and dress and make sure my feet are in pumice-happy shape (hey, when you get your body bits close to a trainer's face, you make sure you are sparkly sweet-clean and feet are smooth).

This morning, I had a micro-poop. Pathetic. Checked SparkPeople tracker and I only had 16 grams of fiber yesterday. WHAT? I'm the queen of fiber. I've had days of 60+ fiber regularly this past year. I better watch that. With fewer calories, I can't get lazy. Hubby wants pasta tonight, and I have a high fiber pasta (18 grams of fiber per serving!) Yeah, tomorrow, poopy blast-off!

Tomorrow hubby gets hair trimmed, I get a protein treatment, so we can both look purdy for the Seraphic Fire Christmas Concert in Coral Gables.

So, another Spawny day. Water, lower calories, movement....and as Allan says, "patience."


1/2 multigrain bagel with WW cream cheese spread and 1 tsp sugar-free apricot preserves
3 slices Jones' Canadian bacon
fiber supplement, B-complex 
2 cups coffee
8 glasses water

calories: 305
fluids: 80 oz

Subway Meatball Salad (all veggies except pickles/banana peppers, mozzarella shredded on top)
2 cups decaf
6 glasses water

calories so far: 635
fluids so far: 144

Dinner: made at home so I could get my fruits/veggies in (& fiber! )
1.5 servings FiberGourmet spaghetti with
1.34 cups veggies (cooked with water) and 2 tbsp fresh ripped up basil
1/4 cup mozzarella and 2 tbsp shredded parmesan
1/2 cup Rao's Marinara sauce
1 cup watermelon
6 BariWise mini biscotti (sugar-free)
2.5 cups decaf
8 glasses water

dinner calories: 589
dinner fluids: 84 oz

Got hungry, had a snack. Bye-bye 1200 level:
1.4 cups Cheerios
1/2 small banana and 1/3 cup fresh blueberries
1/2 cup nonfat milk

Total Calories: 1480
Total Fluids: 228 oz


  1. micro-poop LOL

    What pasta did you find that has that much fiber? Fiber Gourmet?

    I'm a fellow Spawn of DDD challenge participant. :D

  2. Yes, Kelly. We love the Fiber Gourmet. Lots of fiber, and it stays firm for leftovers (ie, doesn't mush up like regular leftover pasta). I like firm pasta!

    I bought asparagus, organic mushrooms and organic zucchini to toss in my pasta. Mmmmm.

  3. Oh my goodness, no heater? Ever? Wow. I am sitting here, in Arctic apparel wondering why I can't stay warm in my own home, I mean people climb Everest and stay warm, right?

    That is great on the drop, probably as much for the mental relief as anything. I was hoping you'd not see much more water/carb whatever increase.

    I'd love to have high fibre pasta! I never knew there even was such a thing. I wonder if that affects the Glycemic Index of the pasta?

    Good night, stay warm, lol at your husband. Wearing a hoodie with the hood up...

  4. I live in TX and I turn the heater on. The less I weigh the colder I get. I'm sorry you have to endure that to take care of your health.

    Tell Tanita-San to shut his piehole. You are doing great and if he won't give you cred for it then pfft! to him. ;)

  5. I hate the micro-poop!! hahaha

    Yep...its cold down here!!! I have a little bean bag that I heat up in the microwave and put at the food of the bed for my toes!

  6. Cold cold cold....
    I put a heating pad on, down by my cold little feet.
    Helps until I fall asleep!....that or a microwave of beanies, too!
    Some times, my neighbor fills the tub with hot water and lets the heat radiate through her apartment.... But we don't have to pay for hot water, so......


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