Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Day 23 Son of DDDY Challenge: Where I salted my way up 1.2 pounds and where I wonder why it's so hard for me to heat high carb/low and water log, too!


Up 1.2 pounds.

If you see what I ate last night, I stayed well under challenge calories, drank my accelerated rate of water (and then some), but I ate salty stuff. Dinner was essentially a 'snack' sort of meal: salty protein snack mix, sugar free chocolate almonds, and a pear. (I was wanting salty and sweet, notice the bag of lower-sugar hybrid cookies with breakfast, where I had shredded parmesan on my salad and I salted the tomato like nobody's business.)

I often wonder why I have such salt-craving days. I no longer have a menses, so it's not PMS related. I just want salt some days, want it bad and often want to counterpoint it with something sweet (fruit, snack treats, chocolate).

Okay, so I better make sure I get some potassium in today to get the bloat down.

I'm also finding it really hard to up my carbs. I've made some gains in reducing fat--using PAM spray more, using less EVOO and Smart Balance, etc--but I still have this mental block about upping the carbs to put that DNA result to the test. I have a REALLY hard time being 65/20/15 in the carbs/fat/protein ratio.  I slipped back into ZONE-like eating yesterday, although I gave it the good ole try by having a full cup of rice instead of half a cup or even 1/4 cup as I have had in the past. I ordered some Dr. McDougall's vegan soups (black bean; spring onion noodle) to have something low-fat/carby to nosh on that's quick and has no weirdo ingredients.


2 slices Ezekiel bread with 2 eggs and 1 slice 2% cheese
1 cup papaya with lime juice
2 cups coffee
8 glasses water

calories: 421
fluids:  80 oz

Shredded chicken wrapped in iceberg lettuce leaves with
1/4 cup mozzarella, 1 tbsp lite cream cheese, 1/8 cup corn niblets
1/4 cup BBQ sauce and 1/2 cup baked beans
1 thick tomato slice with 1 cup mixed baby lettuces with 1 tbsp blue cheese crumbles
1 tbsp balsamic vinaigrette
2 cups coffee
8 glasses water

calories: 540
fluids: 80 oz

rotini pasta with mushrooms, broccoli and mozzarella
assorted supplements
BariWise protein bar
2 cups decaf
2 glasses water

calories: 588
fluids: 32 oz


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