Monday, December 20, 2010

Day 14 Spawn of SoDDDY Challenge: Pilates, Rediscovering My Love of Orange Pekoe, and Not Weighing Today since I did the Soy Sauce thing Yesterday...and that means..well, you know. :)

I felt really good and strong today in Pilates. Breathing was great. Allergies weren't clogging my nose. Did have some eczema flare-up and some stiff joints (probably all related, ie, inflammation), but just moved past the pain gently and felt better afterwards, though I'm still joint-achey. Some days, I just feel like I can really do the whole hour-long routine with good stamina, and this was one. I did not feel remotely pooped out afterwards, just like I got some good strength and flexibility done.

I didn't weigh in cause we did teriyaki and sushi last night, and I don't handle Asian soy well. I felt the bloatiness in my tummy this AM (well, only sleeping 4.5 hours didn't help), and decided to spare myself the sodium affected weight check. Not a big deal. I have an official weekly weigh-in on Friday or Saturday (Friday for this blog, Saturday for Challenge). It's just a way for me to see how what I eat affects things. I know how soy sauce affects things.

Yesterday's calories: 1342  (ratio: 46c/28f/26p)
Fluid intake was more than accelerated.
All is well, challenge-wise.

Today, I feel more peckish than yesterday. Breakfast was a light 161 (egg whites, fat and 2% scheese and 2 slices light 7-grain with tea and milk), lunch was 447 (skinny vanilla latte, meatball salad, 1/2 grapefruit), and I had a snack (as I said, peckish) that came to 250 (1 hard boiled egg, a small muesli roll, 1 tsp peanut butter, 1 tsp fruit spread, and tea with milk). I need a bit more water/fluids to make my level. :)

I usually hit the coffee (reg and decaf), but today, I had a yen for tea. Specifically, this was due to watching a YouTube video on making Royal Milk Tea (which I've never had). This gave me a serious milk tea I've been having it today. I love Twining's Orange Pekoe, which is super numsy with milk and sweetened. Mom used to make it like that for me (back when the only caffeinated tea we had in the house was Lipton). Nice change...

Total Calories so far:  858
Total Fluids: 112 oz



  1. I am so glad your breathing is under control for now. That has to make a world of difference for you.

    Take the peckish day today and run with it. You can use the extra calories another day when you are hungrier.


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