Tuesday, December 28, 2010

As One Dieting Year Closes, A Grateful Shout-Out To Some of My Bloggy Commenters/Supporters! HUGS GALORE!

It's tough doing this dieting gig on one's own. I certainly don't do well going it solo. Hence, my previous blog and this one. On both blogs, I've had people who were encouragers. Encouragers rock!

I'd like to thank some of my regular commenters on this, my new blog (hence one with fewer followers than my old one). You guys make me feel like I can do it on days I feel less than delightfully in-control. I hope I've added some cheer and encouragement to your journey. I surely do.

So, thank you to EVERYONE who has ever dropped by to say hello and give me tips and a pat on the back or a caution. To all who're following me--wow, I hope I have something useful to say to help you, I really do!-- Thank you. Here, have a hug. (((((Yes, You)))))

I know it's a bit disheartening when one visits blogs regularly to chip in comments and support...and those bloggers never give support in return. Feels sad, right?  I will try hard NOT To do that to you.  I know it matters to know someone's hearing your voice, yes?

Now, for a special thanks to these terrific bloggers--in no special order, so don't read anything into that, hah ,and the url is to make it easy for you to cut/paste into your links list or whatever--that you should go visit, read, and follow right now:

Kimberly who's tapping into the skinny Woman Inside Her http://thewomaninsideme.blogspot.com/

Ann who's no longer living as large she used to and, at the rate she's dropping poundage, will not be large at all pretty soon:  http://annssmalljourney.blogspot.com/

Anne who's not letting carbs trip her up and who is one of those "Nurse Angels" God put on the planet to give cheer to the ailing:  http://carbtripper.blogspot.com

Kelly, the Happy Texas Trophy Wife, who surely deserves that trophy! http://happytexans.blogspot.com/

Karen, who (sun) shines her heart's light supporting us fat loss bloggers http://sunshinesheart.blogspot.com/

Digger , who's determined to figure out What's Eating Her http://digr-diggingout.blogspot.com/

Debbie, who is WW her way to quitting the overeating  http://justquiteating.blogspot.com/

Beth who Strikes furiously at Obesity (and I don't think is obese anymore, anyway, so she won with a K.O.), a most eloquent Lady of Bloggy Letters: http://obesitystrike.blogspot.com/

Magical Diandra who has some pretty interesting stories and rants (even if I don't comment, really, cause well, um, I"m a dork?) http://shortstoriesandmadrants.blogspot.com/

Tamzin who's lost a lot more than Just One Inch http://justoneinch.blogspot.com/

The Fat Angry Blogger who's progressively LESS fat, which means her next blog will be titled The Slim Tranquil Blogger. :) http://fat-angry-blog.blogspot.com/

Suzi, the ever Spunky Encourager and Challenge rah-rah-gal at http://spunkysuzi.blogspot.com/

My hope and prayer is that  2011 is a magical, wonderful, healthful, slimming, muscle-building, creative-potential realizing, joy-maximizing, uber-blessed year for all of us. And that we continue to cheer our efforts on!

Amen and Amen!


  1. Very cool shout outs to your bloggy friends. And yay! Now I have more blogs to check out. sa-weet!

  2. Right back at ya, beautiful lady. 2011 is going to be awesome. I can't wait.


  3. I love your little Princess Dieter cartoon!
    Love the shout-outs! You know your faithful followers are loving that!

  4. "Hugs" back at ya! Love following you :)

  5. You sweet precious blogger you!
    You rock!
    Thanks. And back at 'cha!

  6. I am devastated that I didn't make the list, but you have an awesome list here!

  7. What a great shout-out, can't wait to check in on some of them that I haven't stopped in on. Thanks for your comments and support, it means the world, who knew what great folks are out there behind these glowing screens. Really makes this fat fighting so much easier and far far less isolating and difficult.

    Here's to a great year ahead and the strengthening of relationships both new and old. And, of course, many pounds GONE FOREVER.

    You rock, PD.

  8. Great group of ladies there. Those I know, I love; those I don't I must check out. Great post.

  9. The same goes for me.

    We aren't doing this thing alone and that makes it so much easier. Y'all are better than any WW meeting. The support is just immeasurable.

    2011 is going to be the year we bust through to goal!

  10. Very... Nicee... Blog.. I really appreciate it... Thanks..:-)


Thank you for visiting and adding your comment. Because of horrible spammers, only "registered users" may comment. Sorry. I had to remove the crazy captcha, and this is the compromise. ~~~I always appreciate support from kind folks. If you have nothing constructive or supportive to add, please move along to another blog. Life is short and I do not need the aggravation. The journey is hard enough. Do not make mine harder! THANKS...and God bless you big time as you progress on your own path to better health and a happier life!