Monday, November 22, 2010

So, How Much Water Weight Is Gonna Return?

CarbTripper's Water Doodle!
Today, I genuinely start to up my carbs and lower my fat and protein intake. (I shudder as I say this.)

As anyone who has ever done a low to lower carb eating plan--South Beach, Atkins, even the Zone--knows, when you cut carbs, you dump a nice amount of water weight that first week. You just piss out a bunch of pounds. On South Beach, I lost more in one week than I ever have, but I know it wasn't all or most fat. It was mostly water. I know cause I was in the bathroom a lot. :)

The weeks after I stopped Atkins and South Beach, I gained 6 to7 pounds of water weight. In days. That's what happens when you add back carbs. It's not fat, but it is a bit disconcerting.

So, I do wonder how many water pounds will rebound.

Today, scale: 244.2

Same as yesterday. I expected that. I slept 5.5 hours, which is not enough for me to drop weight in one day. I know from years of dieting experience that--barring VLCDieting--if I sleep poorly, the weight kind of maintains or goes up.

Or it might be a function of me adding a bit more carbs yesterday. I had a big bowl of legumey soup for lunch. I had a chunk of carby bread. I had 3 fruits.

This morning, I had 2 slices of bread and fruit with my eggs, instead of the protein hot cakes.

We shall see....


  1. heehee
    ps - my word verification is "muddi!"

  2. I have had some crazy funny captchas. At least it makes verification amusing. :D


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