Sunday, November 21, 2010

The Results of my DNA testing for optimal diet/exercise as per my genes

Okay, here it is. Finally.

Actually, it took a couple weeks and that's what they said.

First, if you don't know what I'm talking about, I used one of those little brushes to swab cells from the sides of my mouth (like you see in CSI on tv) and sent them in. I paid for two tests done by the company that was referred to in the plethora of television show segments and news reports back in spring talking about the type of diet basedo n DNA: one for a marker that shows a predisposition for heart attack based on inflammation, the other for what would be the type of diet and exercise level most suited for my genotype. There are some categories  people fall in:

1. Fat Trimmer
2. Carb Reducer
3. Balancer

There are also differing optimal exercise levels based on genes. For some, moderate exercise is optimal. Others require high intensity exercise.

I thought I'd be a Carb Reducer or Balancer. I was wrong. I tested out as a Fat Trimmer. Here is the "interpretation" of the results:

Individuals with this genetic pattern absorb more dietary fat into the body and have a slower metabolism. They have a greater tendency for weight gain. Clinical studies have shown these individuals have an easier time reaching a healthy body weight by decreasing total dietary fat. They may have greater success  losing weight by following a reduced fat, reduced calorie diet. In addition, they benefit from replacing saturated fats with monosaturated fats within a reduced calorie diet. Clinical studies have also shown these same dietary modifications improve the body's ability to metabolize sugars and fats.

I hoped I was a moderate exerciser, but I'm a "High Met" (Higher Intensity):

High Met: Individuals with this genetic pattern are less able to break down body fat for energy in response to exercise than those with the alternative genetic pattern. They tend to lose less weight and body fat than expected with moderate exercise. These individuals require more exercise to activate the breakdown of body fat for energy and weight loss. They must also maintain a consistent exercise program to keep the weight off.

Their recommendations for me are:

1. Diet--Reduced-Fat
65% carbs, 20% fat, 15% protein

2. Exercise --High Metabolic Equivalents
High intensity activity of 6 mets or more at least 3x per week.
Total weekly MET score of 13 or greater.
My intermediate level Pilates that I do 2x a week with a trainer falls in the 5-6 MET range, with some bursts of up to 8, but probably averaging closer to 5-6. So, I've been doing 10 to 12 METs. Not enough.

I can't jog or run or do treadmill or elliptical (bad knees/ankle). So, my options for higher MET would be recumbent bike (at a particular level, of course) or rowing (OMG!). I've tried rowing. That is not for me.

I've been doing higher fat/lower carb/higher protein. I'm gonna start to play with the diet. I want to decrease fats, not overly decrease protein, and start to slowly raise carbs (ideally, good carbs, right?) I don't want to face hunger pangs again (which I do tend to get with carbs). But I like the idea of having more fruit (which I have restricted some). I don't know if 65% carb is really ideal--appetite-wise. But I"m willing to give it a go. I just have to figure out how to make the meals fit.

If anyone has a recommendation of a diet that fits this profile, do let me know.

You can google up METs (lots of charts out there) to see where your activity falls.

Hope this was interesting for y'all.


  1. Does this also relate to how you carry your body weight and your shape or not? Because if it relates, I'm curious where you carry your weight or what you'd classify your shape as.

  2. I'm an apple or avocado, depending on who is categorizing. I carry my weight mostly abdominally/torso. I don't have the thigh-butt fat as much as the belly fat shape, but I have a waist, so some call that "avocado". You can see my pictures in snug workout clothes in PHAT PILATES (see the tab under my blog header).

  3. Oh, and I don't know if it relates to shape. My siblings who never had weight issues until well past middle age, and still didn't get obese like me, just a few extra pounds, have different shapes. My dad's side, not my mom's. My mom and her elder sister both had a tendency to chub up, though mom slimmed down at times, she ranged from 150's to 180's. My dad was skinny all his life, no more than 135 at his biggest, and my siblings who take after him stayed slim with relative ease. I got the unlucky fat card, it seems.

  4. Quite intereseting. did you have a previous post where you linked to this testing information? i have a lot of questions but maybe you already answered them on a day I skipped class. :)

  5. Yes, I had a previous post. If you do a google, you'll find the Today show and news reports. I did link to the Inherent Health site and they have some links. If you click the "genetics" label at the bottom of the post, older posts come up:

  6. This is very interesting.

    Can you check the dietary recommendations? They don't add up to 100?

    I ate heavy carbs during my 6 years of maintenance and at the time it suited me very well. I'd say I ate 70% carb, 10% fat and 20% protein or therabouts. I find right now that high protein suits me better but I live in hope that I will return to that previous balance because I really enjoyed the food.

    I don't know anything about it but I was reading a blog recently (sorry, don't remember whose but she is on my reader, next time she posts I'll remember who she was!) that was doing high carb, she was using the McDougall diet but I know nothing about it personally. Macrobiotic eaters are heavy on the grains but it is not a weight loss diet per se but the recipes are very healthy (albeit a bit weird with a lot of Japanese influence).

    Will you make an immediate transition or go slowly?

  7. This is intriguing! Let us know how it goes for sure.

  8. Thanks, Beth. I changed the percentage of the fat. My typo.

    I've eaten McDougall products. They are vegan and, yes, high carb. He has a line of convenience products and some are very nice (the boxed soups, instant oatmeals). Even my nitpicky hubby wil eat his veggie soup.

    His noodles suck, though. Vegan noodles suck.

  9. Very interesting! And thanks for answering my questions.

  10. Oh wow! That IS a lot of carbs. I'm interested to see how you do on this new diet plan.


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